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时间:2023-05-16 作者:佚名


小学老师组织学生应援肖战,已被停职丨 Let pupils find their own stars



A video clip went viral on social networking sites on Sunday showing a primary school teacher guiding her classroom to dance and say in unison: "You are so good,XiaoZhan,we like you!Come on!" Some sources say the video clip was made in September, and now the video has been deleted.

The Xiao they named is an emerging pop star in China. The incident was traced to a school in Suqian, Jiangsu province, and the local education bureau suspended the teacher, while also considering disciplinary action against her.

As an adult, the teacher can, by all means, have an idol and express her support for him whichever way she likes, but she cannot thrust it on her students is purely up to the students whether or not they want an idol. A teacher influencing their decision could negatively impact their future decision-making skills.

Besides, primary education being compulsory, it entrusts the teacher with some authority over the students. So, her asking her students to follow her star amounts to an abuse of that power.

Influencing students this way can also prove detrimental for her idol, who might be seen as exploiting public resources for his personal growth. That's particularly unfair to Xiao,who himself took to the micro blog urging everybody to follow regulations and be rational while worshiping him and putting their jobs above everything else. He has said so many times in the past too.

That does not mean teachers cannot tell children about entertainment stars,who too are doing a job like many others in society, and can be a role model for the students when they have to choose a career in future. All's well, so long as the teachers do not make their students toe their line on their idols, instead leaving them to choose for themselves who they should worship, if at all.


  1. viral adj.病毒的;病毒性的;病毒引起的
  2. in unison 同时;一起;和谐地;一致地
  3. Incident n.发生的事情;严重事件;(两国间的)摩擦,冲突;(常指)军事冲突 ;记忆技巧:in 使… + cid 落下;降临 +ent 表名词 → 使〔突然〕降临 → 偶然事件
  4. Bureau n.书桌;办事处,办公室, 机构;(美国政府部门)局, 处,科
  5. suspended v.悬;挂;吊;暂停;中止;使 暂停发挥作用;推迟
  6. by all means 当然可以;一定,务必
  7. Thrust v.猛推;冲;搡;挤;塞;刺;戳 ;n.(论据、政策等的)要点,要旨,重点;猛推;刺;戳; 插;(发动机推动飞机、火箭等的)推力,驱动力
  8. purely up 纯粹向上
  9. Compulsory adj. (因法律或规则而)必 须做的,强制的,强迫的
  10. abuse of 滥用
  11. Detrimental adj.有害的;不利的
  12. regulation n.章程;规章制度;规则;法规;(运用规则条例的)管理,控制 ;adj.规定的;必须穿戴的; 必须使用的
  13. toe their line 按他们的路线

John's estimate




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