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单身狗qq霸气名字 吃鸡单身狗的霸气名字…

时间:2023-05-15 19:10:54 阅读: 评论: 作者:佚名


Our status as a single nobleman is too noble

二,问我情人节怎么过 我很难过

Don't ask me how I spend Valentine's day. I'm sorry


I have nothing to explain about being single for so many years. Generally speaking, I am witty enough to have no friends


Don't worry about single girls. Maybe God's idea is: I'm going to leave this lovely girl someone special

五,别问我什么单身 因为天界规定神仙是不能和凡人有恋情的

Don't ask me why I'm single, because heaven forbid a fairy should have a relationship with a mortal


One in the comments section is to fall in love with me. Nothing else is to let you realize what is unfortunate in life and what is emotional bad luck


On Valentine's Day, I want to wear beautiful clothes, dress up beautifully, and lick melon seeds at home to see if you have any face-to-face photos everywhere

八,友谊的小船说翻就翻 爱情的巨轮说沉就沉 唯有单身狗的小船屹立不倒

The boat of friendship says turn over and turn over the wheel of love says sink and sink only the boat of single dog stands still


You find that people who are not good are generally single

十,我终于知道我单身的原因了我喜欢的不喜欢我 喜欢我的我不知道

I finally know why I'm single. I like it. I don't like it. I like mine. I don't know

十一,无爱一身轻 单身全精英.

Love-free, light, single, all-elite.


Falling in love is just me taking advantage of you and you taking advantage of me

十三,单身修仙 法力无边.两手插袋,谁也不爱

Single repair fairy magic boundless. two hands pocket, no one loves


Single is very good and who does not need to explain, I will not stop for anyone who walks alone.

十五,谈什么恋爱 王者上荣耀了没.

Talk about love. Is the king in glory.


The self is already a universe, and what about the stars.


I've never felt lonely. Say romantic. I'm completely free


Let's give each other presents on Valentine's day. You give me presents and I'll give you addresses

十九,你们就尽情晒转账吧 我看看这两天找谁借钱

Why don't you guys just transfer the money and let me see who I can borrow money from these two days


Rich people get married, poor people see me on tricycles

二十一,我不是奥利奥 但是可以泡一泡

I'm not Oreo, but I can take a dip

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