A dab hand 内行,老手
A grey area 灰色地带
A long shot 风险很大的赌注
A nest egg 储备金
A piece of cake 小菜一碟
A ray of sunshine
A tough nut to crack
A window of opportunity
A yellow streak 生性怯懦
Armed to the teeth 全副武装
As flat as a pancake 完全平的
As quick as a flash 快如闪电般的
At each other's throats
唇枪舌战地争吵 你死我活的斗争
At hand 在手边
At liberty 自由、随意
Big cheese 重要人物
Binge-watch 尽情式刷剧
Bread and butter 生计
Break the ice 打破僵局
Burn a hole in your pocket
Busy bee 大忙人
Catty 阴险恶毒
Cheap as chips 像薯条一样便宜
Child's play 易如反掌
Close-knit 紧密相连
Crabby 脾气暴躁的
Crack on 赶快继续吧
Dead as a dodo
彻底过时了 完蛋了
Dirt cheap 非常便宜
Donkey work 单调乏味的工作
Down the pan
成为废物; 不值得使用
Ducks in a row 打理得井井有条
Feeling blue 心情压抑
Get your skates on! 快点
Give something the thumbs up
Go it alone 单干 独自过活
Have egg on your face 狼狈不堪
Hold the fort 守住堡垒
Horse around! 闹着玩儿
In hand 正在进行中
In the eye of the storm
In the hole 负债,处于财务危机中
In the picture 了解详情
In the red 欠钱 亏损 负债
Junk mail 垃圾邮件
Keyed up 紧张的,激动的
Kick up your heels 好好享受
Knock your socks off
美得惊人 激动万分
Lay your cards on the table 摊牌
Let off steam宣泄被压抑的情感/精力
Live in the present 活在当下
Making waves 兴风作浪
New blood 新鲜血液
No sweat 不费力的
Not give a monkey's 毫不在乎
On the right track 在正确的道路上
Pay through the nose for something
Play your cards right
Push the boat out 摆阔气,大肆庆祝
Put your feet up 彻底放松
Ring around 打一圈电话
Rise to the top 升到最高层
Roll out the red carpet 热烈欢迎
Run for cover 赶快躲 撤离
Scraping the barrel
Second wind 再次振作起来
Shoo-in 被认为肯定可以取胜的人
Skate on thin ice
Snowed under 忙的不可开交
Sour grapes 吃不到葡萄说葡萄酸
Spark off 引发 导致
Spice up 增添趣味
Spill the beans 泄露秘密 露馅儿
Stare in the face 显而易见
Stick your neck out 冒险
Stony-faced 面无表情的 冷酷的
Strapped for cash 捉襟见肘
Take the field 运动员登场 上场
Take the plunge 冒险尝试
Tear your hair out 抓狂 心急如焚
The lie of the land
情势 事态
The lion's share 最大份额
The powers that be 当局/统治者
The sands of time 时光
The tail end 末端
The writing's on the wall 不详预兆
Tie the knot 结婚
To be (stuck) in a rut
To be firing on all cylinders
状态绝佳 火力全开
To blow a fuse 勃然大怒 七窍生烟
To be on ice 搁置
To be on the same wavelength
To bite off more than you can chew
To bite someone's head off
To branch out 另辟天地
To break into 闯入/打断
To bury your head in the sand
逃避现实 鸵鸟政策
To chicken out 临阵退缩
To dawn on 终于明白
To fall for someone
To fall on your sword 承担责任
To fly off the handle 大发脾气
To gamble on something 下赌注 冒险
To get something out of the system
To get your wires crossed
To go down like a lead balloon
lead balloon 无法成功
To go under the knife 接受手术治疗
To hang on to someone's every word
To harp on about something 喋喋不休
To have (got) someone's back
To have a crush on someone
To have a soft spot 对人或物有特别好感
To have deep pockets 资金雄厚
To hit it off with someone 一见如故
To knock someone down with a feather
To look daggers at someone
To look someone in the eye 双眼对视某人
To lose sleep over something 过度担忧而失眠
To make a song and dance about something
To pop the question 求婚
To pull the plug on something 终止、遏止
To sail close to the wind 顶风而行
To see red 大怒
To squirrel something away 把东西储藏起来
To steal someone's thunder 抢了某人的风头
To the letter 一丝不苟地
To throw a wobbly 非常愤怒、极不高兴
To throw money at
To throw your hat into the ring
To tower over 高出,胜过
To while away the time 消磨时光 消遣
Touch wood 但愿走好运
Tricks of the trade 某门生意或职业的诀窍
Turn a blind eye 视而不见
Turn the page 翻篇儿
Turn to jelly 胆怯/发颤 冻僵了
Two-faced 两面派
Under someone's thumb 受人控制
Under the table 私下,秘密地
Up in the air 悬而未决
Up to speed 了解最新情况
Up to your eyeballs
Wash your hands 洗手不干了
Weigh in 发表意见 参加
Whatever floats your boat 随心所欲
Wise old owl 生活经验丰富的人
With bare hands 赤手空拳