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时间:2023-05-07 22:12:55 阅读: 评论: 作者:佚名

本案为软件开发企业LOGO, 名称为“Hopping deer”,即“跳动小鹿”。


This case is the LOGO of the software development company, and the name is "Hopping deer".

Based on the lively temperament conveyed by the business name, the design also adopts a relatively cheerful and young style, with the hopping deer as the main element, across the business name text, presenting a sense of space, and the color scheme and fonts strive to be younger. Modernization, in line with business expectations.

之石设计 | Turqstyle Logo Design

Hopping deer 鹿LOGO有色底版本

Hopping deer 鹿LOGO透明底版本

Hopping deer 鹿LOGO单色版本

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