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时间:2023-05-02 18:56:59 阅读: 评论: 作者:佚名

Word of the Day: May 8, 2022



noun /DAHR-ling/ [ˈdɑrlɪŋ]

What It Means

A Darling is "a dearly loved person" or "a person who is a favorite."

A darling 是指“深爱的人”或“最受宠爱的人”。

DARLING in Context

"President Tyler met Juliana and David Gardiner later that year during a social occasion. Their daughter Julia became the undisputed darling of the capital." — The News Leader (Clermont, Florida), 30 Mar. 2022


The youngest child is the grandparents' little darling.


Did You Know?

Darling comes from Old English dēorling, which was formed by attaching the Old English suffix -ling ("one associated with or marked by a specified quality") with the adjective dēore, the ancestor of our adjective dear ("regarded very affectionately or fondly," "highly valued or esteemed," "beloved").

Darling 来自古英语 dēorling,它是通过古英语后缀 -ling(“one associated with or marked by a specified quality【有特质或与特质有关】”)与形容词 dēore 相连形成的,dēore 是形容词 Dear 的祖先(“regarded very affectionately or fondly【非常亲切地对待】, “highly valued or esteemed【高度重视或尊重】”,“beloved【心爱的】”)。


What 4-letter word begins with "i" and refers to an object of extreme devotion?

单词以“i”开头有4 字母,表示极度虔诚的对象?


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