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我很好的英文 我的老师对我很好的英文

时间:2022-12-01 15:09:57 阅读: 评论: 作者:佚名



1. shop n. 商店,店铺 in the shop

v. 购物,买东西 现在分词shopping shop online

shopping n. 购物 go shopping 去购物=do some shopping (动名词)

2. What can I do for you? 我能为你做什么吗?

= May/Can I help you?

= Is there anything I can do for you?

(这是服务员或售货员主动询问顾客需要时的常用语,回答常用I’d like to buy ...或I want to buy ...)

3. clothes shop 服装店


4.(1)be going to +动词原形 打算做某事

(2)buy sth. for sb.= buy sb. sth. 给某人买某物

(3)On Mother’s Day 在母亲节这天 节日前用介词on

5. make sth. for sb. 为某人制作某物

make+ sth/sb.+ adj 使某人/物...

make sb. do sth. 让某人做某事

6. go to the shops 去商店

be going to+地点

7. All right. 好的

辨析: all right, that’s all right, that’s all,that’s rignt

All right 行,好的,可以(一般用于赞同意见)

That’s all right 别客气,没关系(一般用于回答别人的感谢或道歉)

That’s all 仅此而已,这就是全部

That’s right对,正确(表示同意对方的观点或看法)

8. What size 多大尺寸/号码(提问服装或鞋子等的尺码大小)

9. take v. :

(1) 穿(某尺寸的衣服或鞋子)

(2) 花费(时间)

It takes sb. some time to do sth.做某事花费某人多长时间

(3) 带走 take sth. to sp. 把某物带去某地

10. May I...? = Can I...? 意为“我可以...吗?”表示请求许可

肯定回答:Yes, please./ Of course= Certainly=Sure.

否定回答:No, you can’t/ mustn’t. 或 No, you’d better not.

11. try on 试穿 (“动词+副词”型短语)


12. price n. 价格


询问价格用What’s the price of...= How much is/are...?

What’s the price of the house?= How much is the house?

13. 辨析:too much, too many, much too

too many



There are too many books on the shelf.

too much



You should not eat too much sweet food.

much too



It’s much too hot today.

14. wait a minute 别急;稍等一会 = wait a moment

15. sale [seɪl] n. 降价销售 (可数)

on sale 出售;折价销售

There’s a sale on. “有个打折活动”

be on 在进行,在上映

There’s a sale on today.今天有促销活动。

16. I’ll take it.我就买它了。

(在英语中顾客决定买某商品时,一般说I’ll take it.

如果买的东西是复数就用I’ll take them.)

17. I’ve got= I have got have/has got 拥I’d like some sausages.

=I ‘d like to buy some sausages.

=I want to buy some sausages.

= I want some sausages.有


18.some food to buy (动词不定式做后置定语修饰food)

19. 辨析:how many, how much

How much



How much +be+物品?

How much is this watch?


提问不可数名词的数量How much+不可数名词+一般疑问句?

How much water do you drink every day?

How many



How many apples do you have?

20. half adj. 一半的 half an hour half a year/month half price

21. What else would you like?你还想要点什么?

What else 其他的什么

else 其他的(放在特殊疑问词或不定代词之后)

other 其他的(放在可复名词之前)

22. would like sth.想要某物

would like to do sth.想要做某事

23. 草莓看起来很新鲜。The strawberries look fresh.

主 系 表

look 实义动词(不及物动词):look at



1. 服装店

2. 为某人买某物

3. 在母亲节这天

4. 为某人制作某物

5. 去商店

6. 去购物

7. 什么颜色

8. 好吧

9. 什么尺码,多大尺寸

10. .....怎么样?

11. 试穿

12. 看一看.....

13. (价格)太高,太多

14. 稍等一下

15. 半价

16. 拥有

17. 一些香肠

18. 多少钱;多少

19. 半斤

20. 其他的什么


22. 看起来新鲜


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