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时间:2023-04-24 03:56:16 阅读: 评论: 作者:佚名

Lynette:What happened to your ride?


Nora:The guy grabbed my boob, so I hit him over the head with his bong, and I got out.


Nora: Look, I'm sorry I freaked out there before. It's just, when you made that crack about suicide, it just... kind of hit home.


Lynette:Oh, my God, Nora. Did you actually...(Nora nods) Well, I'm... I'm very sorry. I had no idea. But your life is better now, right? You have a beautiful daughter, and you have that fun job at the...pancake house.


Nora:Oh, yeah, my life's better.


Nora:But it's not your life. Your life's perfect.


Lynette:Excuse me? Did you smoke that bong before you beat the guy with it?


Nora:It's just, you have it all.You have the kids. You have the career. You have a husband. You're supermom.


Lynette:And you think that's easy? Okay, I have a good life. Yes, yes, I am very lucky, but I work twelve hours a day, and then I come home to what seems like thirty three children, and husband who refuses to get a job. And believe me, there is not a supermom out there who wouldn't trade in her cape, for a chance to read a book and get a massage by a man who has the decency to leave when it's over.


Nora:Okay, sorry I brought it up.


Lynette:I'm sorry I said that about Tom. He's doing his best to find a job.


Nora:Well, you know, maybe he'd try a little harder if he didn't hate advertising so much.


Lynette:He doesn't hate advertising.


Nora: Last week, when he came to pick up Kayla, and he'd just come from some crappy interview, he said that he'd hated the ad game for, like, freakin' ever, and would like to bag the whole thing.


Lynette:He said that to you? He's never told me that.


Nora:He's probably afraid to.


Lynette:Why would he be afraid?


Nora: Probably because you're the kind of woman who,when someone says they wanna kill themselves, you say, ‘go ahead.'.


  • Look, I'm sorry I freaked out there before. It's just, when you made that crack about suicide, it just... kind of hit home.
  • freak out 失去控制,发疯
  • make a /thatcrack about 因为...取笑
  • hit home .击中要害;触及痛处
  • And believe me, there is not a supermom out there who wouldn't trade in her cape, for a chance to read a book and get a massage by a man who has the decency to leave when it's over.
  • trade for 用... 交换
  • massage[məˈsɑʒ] n.按摩,推拿,揉捏
  • decency [ˈdisnsɪ] n.端庄;礼貌;正派;正当行为
  • have the decency to do为了体面[礼貌]而做某事
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