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时间:2023-04-15 10:12:35 阅读: 评论: 作者:佚名

We take a minute to have a crush on someone but a lifetime to forget someone.我们会用一分钟的时间去迷恋一个人却用一辈子的时间去忘记一个人。

Lies say to the ears, but let the eyes move. ​ ​​​​谎言说给耳朵听,却让眼睛动了情。

How should I greet,with tears,with silence.我将以何种方式致意,以眼泪,以沉默。

The girl who is really good for you is finally losing to the beautiful girl. 真心对你好的女生最后还是输给了长相好看的女生吧。

你的名字,是我见过最短的情诗。Your name is the shortest love poem I've ever seen. ​​​

I like you, but I have lost the power of tears for you, only in a page of glass with you, indifferent, pretending to alienate.我喜欢你,但我已失去为你流泪的权力,只能在与你隔着一页玻璃的地方,漠然不语,假装疏离。

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