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时间:2023-04-14 16:02:28 阅读: 评论: 作者:佚名

Hi my friends. A lot of girls wanna have a ambitious husband. 大家好,很多姑娘都想找个野心勃勃的老公! Some girls would say that what if my boyfriend is less ambitious? Can I train him to be even more ambitious? 有些姑娘就说了,假如我的男朋友没什么野心, 我能不能把他的野心培养出来?Impossible, why? Ambition is hard to be trained. You got it? 不可能!为什么? 野心是很难培养出来的!你明白吗?Ambition is based on some kind of suffer or even disaster. 野心是在某种苦难, 甚至是某种灾难的基础上产生的。When people experienced the suffer or the disaster. And then people will be starving of something, that’s ambition. 当人们经历过那种苦难,或者灾难后, 人们就会对某种东西产生了饥渴!这就是野心!
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