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时间:2023-04-10 02:27:34 阅读: 评论: 作者:佚名

在人海里 别人都黯淡无味 只有你熠熠生辉,足以让我百看不厌

In the sea of people, others are dull and tasteless. Only you shine, which is enough for me to never tire of seeing


I always want to understand your little emotions and make you happy silently


Secret love is probably myopia. I can still see you in the crowd


Come on --- why --- she's in front


I was interested in him in the early summer and fell in love with him later. It's funny that we don't know each other, but I learned everything about him. Now I'm ready to give up. I like you


I can see you thousands of times in the corner you can't see.

年少时的爱 像风 看不见 却感受得到 就像刻在桌板上的名字 怕你看见 又怕你看不见

Love in youth Like wind unseen But I can feel it Like the name engraved on the table I'm afraid you'll see it I'm afraid you can't see


I like your dress. Can you send me a link

暗恋是一种礼貌 暗地里建起一座城堡

Secret love is a polite way to build a castle secretly

要不要一起搓手手 陪我一起过冬天吖

Would you like to rub your hands together and spend the winter with me

草稿纸上不只是数学演算公式 还有对我来说很重要的人的名字

It's not just mathematical formulas on the draft paper, but also the names of people who are important to me


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