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时间:2023-03-17 06:09:32 阅读: 评论: 作者:佚名

What is your Chinese animal sign?

I am a Rat.

2. 你知道明年是什么年吗?是马年。

Do you know what the Chinese zodiac animal will be next year?

It is the Year of Horse.

3. 你是什么星座的?


What's your star sign?

I am a Taurus.

4. 你今年运势怎么样?


What's does your horoscope/star sign say for this year?

It's the year of my Chinese animal sign so I hope my luck won't be too bad.

5. 你知道属兔的人和什么属相的人最配吗?


Do you know which animal signs are best paired with people born in the Year of Rabbit?

Don't be so superstitious. It is not that reliable!



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