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时间:2023-03-10 18:35:10 阅读: 评论: 作者:佚名



According to VinePair,One theory suggests that we call some liquors spirits because of alcohol ' s association with One spirit in particular 30Together with God and Jesus,Forms the holy trinity in most Christian denominations . this theory is based primarily on certain places in the bible



A more likely explanation has to do with the etymology of the word alcohol, which is thought to have come from either of two old Arabic words. As Scientific Americanreports, the first option is al-ghawl, which literally means spirit and is even mentioned in theQur’anas a spirit or demon that imbues wine with its intoxicating effects.


Though that origin story seems logical enough, the second option, al-koh’l, is pretty plausible, too. The word al-koh’l described an eyeliner made from a black powdery mineral called stibnite. Since the method of transforming stibnite into makeup was similar to how people distilled liquids, al-koh’l may have gotten co-opted to mean “anything that was distilled.” When alcohol showed up in English during the 16th century, it was used to describe the spirit or essence distilled from some other substance, as in “alcohol of wine.” All things considered, it’s not surprising that people eventually just started calling those spirits “spirits.”

虽然上述起源故事似乎很合乎逻辑,不过,第二种可能也相当合理,即spirits与al-koh‘l的词源相关。Al-koh'l指一种眼线笔,它是由一种被称为辉锑矿的黑色粉状矿物制成的。由于将辉锑矿转化为化妆品的方法类似于人们蒸馏液体的方法,因此al-koh'l可以指“任何蒸馏过的东西”。16世纪,当 alcohol 在英语中出现时,这个词被用来描述从其他物质中蒸馏出的精髓(spirit)或精华,如“alcohol of wine(葡萄酒的精华)”。综上所述,人们最终将这些酒称为“spirits”也就没什么奇怪的了。


多年来,中国白酒缺乏一个官方的准确的英文名称,比如Chinese spirits(中国白酒), Chinese distilled spirits(中国蒸馏酒), Chinese liquor(中国烈酒)等都称为“中国白酒”。

经与海关总署税收征管局(京津)多次沟通,中国酒业协会于2020年4月25日正式向海关总署提出申请,建议将海关商品名录中中国白酒的英文名字由原来的“Chinese distilled spirits”更改为“Chinese Baijiu”。2021年1月11日,这一翻译方式正式官宣。


米酒 Rice Wine

黄酒 Yellow Rice Wine或Shaoxing Wine

洋酒 Imported Wines and Liquors

红葡萄酒 Red Wine

白葡萄酒 White Wine

啤酒 Beer

果酒 Fruit Wine

开胃酒 Aperitifs

来源:Mental floss,中国日报双语新闻



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