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时间:2022-12-01 作者:佚名






  1. 那就是(说)······;亦即······That is to say, ···=That is, ···=Namely, ···


We need to live a regular life. That is, we can keep good hours and refrain from smoking and drinking in the daily activities.

2.(A)基于这个理由For this reason, ···(B)为了这个目的For this purpose, ···


For this reason, I have decided to take practising medicine as my future career.

3.我们有理由相信······We have reasons to believe (that )···


We have reasons to believe that corporal punishment should be strictly prohibited.

4.事实上As a matter of fact,···=In fact,···

【例】事实上,健康才是最重要的。As a matter of fact, it is health that counts.

5.(A)例如For example,···

(B)拿······做例子Take ··· for example.


For example, we elevate the living standards blindly, but lower the quality of life.


Besides(In addition),we should not neglect····

【例】此外,我们不应该忽视每个人都想要一个温馨祥和的社会。In addition, we should not neglect that everyone wants a friendly and peaceful society.


On the contrary, ···=by contrast,···

【例】相反地,少数学生似乎还在鬼混。On the contrary, a few students, it seems, are still fooling around.

8.另一方面On the other hand, ···

【例】政府应严格执法,另一方面,大众也应该培养减少污染的好习惯。The government should enforce laws strictly. On the other hand, the public also should develop the good habit of reducing pollution.


However, it is a pity that···

【例】然而,很可惜的是他总是临时抱佛脚。However, it is a pity that he should always cram at the eleventh hour.

10.换言之······in other words,···=to put it differently

【例】换言之,我会尽最大的努力达成我的目标。In other words, I will try my best to attain(gain,live up to) my goal.


It may be true as assumed by others, but I don't. I believe that···

【例】别人可能认为这是事实,但我不是。我认为如果你有很大的决心和毅力,成功最后一定属于你。It maybe true as assumed by others, but I don't. I believe that if you have strong determination and perseverance, the success will certainly come to you in the end.

11.从那之后,我就发现······Ever since then, I have found that ···


Ever since then, I have found smile the best way to avoid any possible conflicts in our daily lives.

12 这样说来,假如···当然毫无疑问地······In this light, if ···, there can surely be no doubt(that)···


In this light, if we can make good use of time, there can surely be no doubt that we will get somewhere.

13.更严重的是······What is more serious is (that)···

【例】更严重的是我们不珍惜野生动物。What is more serious is that we do not cherish the wildlife.

14.鉴于社会的实际需求······In view of the practical need of society, ···


In view of the practical need of society, there are more and more people interested in learning English.

15.如果能实践这三点······If one can really put the three points into action(practice),···

【例】如果能实践这三点,我们一定会过上健康快乐的生活。If one can really put the three points into action(practice), he will surely be able to live a healthy and happy life.

16.做了这些简单的事,我们一定可以······By doing these simple things, we surely can···

【例】做了这些简单的事,我们一定可以快乐出门平安回家。By doing these simple things, we surely can go out of the door happily and com back home safe every day.

17.如此,我相信······In this way, I believe(that)···

【例】如此,我相信大家一定能享受乘坐公车的乐趣。In this way, I believe that all the people may be able to enjoy the bus ride like me.

18.实践这些,······By putting them (the above) into practice, ···

【例】实践这些,在智育方面我一直能不断进步。By putting them(the above) into practice, I have been able to make constant progress in intellectual education.

19.(A)只有符合这三项要求,我们才能······Only by living up to the three requirements, can we···

20.(B)只有通力合作,我们才能······Only with combined efforts, can we···

【例】只有通力合作,我们才能期望台湾不久后能有新的面貌。Only with combined efforts, can we expect Taiwan to take a new face in due course.

21.最后,但并非最不重要······Last but no least, ···

【例】最后,但并非最不重要,教育上的缺失是助长青少年犯罪的主要原因。Last but no least, the shortcoming in education is the cause contributing to juvenile delinquency.

22.这证据显示···的重要性再怎么强调都不为过。This evidence shows that the importance of ··· cannot be over enphasized.

【例】这证据显示交通安全的重要性再怎么强调都不为过。This evidence shows that the importance of traffic safety cannot be over emphasized.

23.由于这些理由,我·······For these reason, I ···

【例】由于这些理由,我认为在台湾接受大学教育是明智的。For these reason, I think that receiving college education in Taiwan is wise.

24.总而言之······In conclusion, ···=To sum up,···

【例】总而言之,优秀的国民应该遵守交通规则。In conclusion, a good citizen should obeyed the traffic rule.

25.因此我们可以下个结论,那就是······We can, therefore, come to the conclusion(that)···

【例】因此,我们能下个结论,那就是世上自由最珍贵。We can, therefore, come to the conclusion that nothing is so precious as freedom in the world.

26.如果我们能做到如上所述,毫无疑问地······If we can do as mentioned above, there can be no doubt (that)···

【例】如果我们能做到如上所述,毫无疑问地,我们就能精通英语。If we can do as mentioned above, there can be no doubt that we can master English.

27.因此,这就是···的原因Thus, this is the reason why···

【例】因此,这就是我感冒的原因。Thus, this is the reason why I caught a bad cold.

28.所以,我们应该了解······Therefore, we should realize(that)···

【例】所以,我们应该了解学英文不能没有字典。Therefore, we should realize that in learning English we cannot do without a dictionary.

29.因此,由上列讨论我们可以明了······We, therefore, can make clear from the above disscussion(that)···

【例】因此,由上列讨论我们可以明白:毅力可以克服任何困难。We, therefore, can make clear from the above discussion that perseverance can overcome any difficulty.

30.从······观点来看······From the ···point of view, ···

【例】从政治的观点来看,这是一个很复杂的问题。From the political point of view, It's a complex question.



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