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时间:2023-03-03 05:35:20 阅读: 评论: 作者:佚名



有很多跟公司内部同事和其他部门同事的沟通邮件,有很多和客户的沟通邮件。与同事(my team)发邮件,语气相对随便 (casual)一点。然而给老板的邮件还是稍微斟酌一下的,基本和对外邮件一样。


先说一下开头, let's talk about the opening first, or greetings.

Usually I start with "Hi xxx", 我经常习惯用hi +名字,这样不会太有距离感,前提是你已经知道对方的名字。更正式的有: Dear Mr/Ms. xxx


Hope you are doing well.

Hope this email finds you well.

Hope you had a great weekend.

It was great to meet you last week at xxx conference.

Omit a peasant greeting if you've recently or frequently communicated each other. 如果你经常和这个人发邮件,也没有必要每次都问候他/她。上面的用语更适用于一段时间没有联系,或者不经常联系的contact.

接下来是正文阶段。email最重要的目的是简洁高效的沟通。所以我习惯直接切入正题。因为大家每天都收到和阅读很多邮件。这样为对方省时间,也可以让对方几秒之内就可以了解到你这封邮件的purpose. 所以正文就直接说你发这封邮件的正题,any request/any appointment scheduling, etc. For example:

Please provide your feedback on the budget.

please see attached excel I prepared, and let me know your comments

Please provide approval for xxx.

Can you please forward a copy of xx document in the meeting held yesterday?


Could you please...?

Will you please...?

Would you please....?

Please kindly provide....

Can you provide your throughts on xxx, please?

结尾的时候。我一般会Include a call to action. 意思是,如果这个邮件是要request something, 那我会明确我希望对方给我什么答复或者我期望对方什么时候会给我答复。举个例子:

I'd appreciate your feedback on the draft agenda. If you have any edits, please send them by tomorrow, Tuesday, at 10AM.


Finally, the closing message at the end of the email. 最后我会结束一个邮件,以以下的几个方式:

Thank you for your time.

I look forward to your response.

Thank you for your help in this matter in advance.

Kind regards/Warm regards/Best regards,



另外如果想要one-on-one 的意见或者辅导,也请在评论联系我。

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