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时间:2023-02-20 20:59:13 阅读: 评论: 作者:佚名

天气变冷了,树上的叶子掉了下来,树离我很近。我好像听到他们慢慢凝固了!It was cold、the leaves of the trees fell down、and the trees drove close to me . I seem to hear them slowly solidifying!


Drunk maple leaves, drunk autumn.

落叶向我倾诉了许多事情,让我听见了他的心声,让我看见了它埋藏在心底下的一个记事的宝库。The fallen leaves confided many things to me, let me hear his heart, and let me see a treasure house of notes buried in the bottom of my heart.

月色的昏暗,是故事的结局,无法洗去油渍化为了句号The darkness of the moonlight is the end of the story, and the oil stains can not be washed away and turned into a full stop

我独自站立在落地窗前,青丝随缕缕秋风飘起。不由人添了几分怜意,增了一丝愁意……I stand alone in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, and the blue silk floats with the autumn wind. I can't help but add a little pity and a little sorrow ...

无边落木萧萧下,不尽长江滚滚来。The endless trees rustle the fallen leaves, the Yangtze river is not expected to roll in the Pentium.

落叶为秋天添增了色彩,为大地增添了色彩,我喜欢落叶。Falling leaves add color to autumn and the earth. I like falling leaves.

绿叶在美时,只是在让别人为自己服务,它是多么自私,只顾自己不想人,谁会喜欢呢?When the green leaves are beautiful, they just let others serve themselves. How selfish it is, who would like it if they only care about themselves and don't want others?

树上的叶子渐渐黄了,飘落的树叶像一只只金黄的小鸟,上下翻飞。The leaves on the trees are turning yellow gradually, and the falling leaves are flying up and down like golden birds.

叶落如歌,落叶一点点地走完自己的旅程,但它最终还是要化为泥土,而我也会努力记住那瞬间的永恒。Leaves fall like songs, and leaves walk their journey little by little, but they will eventually turn into soil, and I will try my best to remember the eternity of that moment.

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