yard n.庭院,院子;码数
He parked his car in the yard.
yawn n.呵欠,v.打呵欠
He stood up, stretched and yawned.
year n.年;年度
He is 18 years old.
yearly n.adj.adv.每年;每年的
Exports yearly exceed imports.
yell v.n.叫喊;吼叫
She was yelling and screaming and carrying on.
yellow adj.黄的,黄色的,黄皮肤的,黄色人种的,n.黄色;v.(使)变黄
The leaves turn yellow in autumn.
yes n.int.是
Yes,you're quite right.
yesterday n.adv.昨天,在昨天
I took a half day off yesterday.
yet conj.adv.然而;但是,还,迄今为止,马上,即刻,现在,更
He has a good job,and yet he never seems to have any money.
yield n.v.产量;利润,产生,放弃,屈服
These trees gave a high yield of fruit this year.
yoga n.瑜伽
I always do yoga on a sunday.
yoghurt n.酸奶,优酪乳
Plain yoghurt was her favourite.
you pron.你;你们
You must all listen carefully.
young a.幼小的;年轻的,n.年轻人
Many young people are out of work.
youngster n.年轻人;少年;儿童
Chocolate sauce is always popular with youngsters.
your pron.你的,你们的
Do you like your new job?
yours pron.你的,你们的
This is our room,and yours is down passage.
yourself pron.你(们)自己,你(们)亲自
Are you sure you did this exercise by yourself?
youth n.青春时期;青春;青年
She's trying to recapture her lost youth.
youthful adj.青年的;青春的
No one can remain youthful forever.