1. 你哭得多么歇斯底里,别人就会觉得你多么小题大做,“感同身受”这四个字,只不过是字典上的一个成语,仅此而已。
How hysterical you cry, others will think you are overkill, these four words "empathy" are just an idiom in the dictionary, nothing more.
2. 总有那么一个人,心里总想着,但却刻意不会再去联系,不去打听,不去打扰。
There is always such a person, always thinking, but deliberately will not contact again, do not inquire, do not disturb.
3. 离开你后,我生活的一切都是多余的。不是每个人都能像我这样大方,把自己最爱的人拱手让给别人。
After leaving you, everything in my life is superfluous. Not everyone can be as generous as me, giving away their favorite people to others.
4. 不过是失去了一个错误的人,离开后应该庆幸,自己还有机会过正确的生活。绕开了伤痛,迎接你的将是鲜花和彩虹。
But I lost a wrong person. I should be glad after I left. I still have a chance to live a right life. Bypassing the pain, you will be greeted by flowers and rainbows.
5. 我明白你跟谁都安定不下来你知道我和谁都过不了,你偷偷看着我,我偷偷看着你,我们好像互相惦记,不在一起也不放过。
I understand that you can't settle down with anyone. You know that I can't pass with anyone. You look at me secretly. I look at you secretly. We seem to be worried about each other.
6. 有时候,想一个人躲起来脆弱,不愿别人看到自己的伤口。有时候,走过熟悉的街角,看到熟悉的背影,突然想起一个人的脸。
Sometimes, I want to hide one's fragility, not want others to see their wounds. Sometimes, when I walked through a familiar street corner and saw a familiar back, I suddenly remembered a person's face.
7. 有时候真的很喜欢你很想和你在一起,有时候又真的很累很想放弃,可是你偶尔的温柔总会让我觉得如果你真的有那么一点点喜欢我,而我自己却放手了多可惜。
Sometimes I really like that you want to be with you, sometimes you are really tired and want to give up, but your occasional tenderness always makes me think if you really like me a little bit, but What a pity to let go