105 Ice Palaces Harbin Ice Lantern Festival 冰与光的盛礼 哈尔滨冰灯节
105 Ice Palaces Harbin Ice Lantern Festival_璧栦笘闆勮嫳璇璤鍗曟洸鍦ㄧ嚎璇曞惉_閰锋垜闊充箰
106 Acne 只要青春不要痘
106 Acne_赖世雄英语_单曲在线试听_酷我音乐
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Ice Palaces: Harbin Ice Lantern Festival
If you are planning a winter vacation, instead of heading south where the sun is warm, you can go north where ice covers the land. At least, that's what many people do when they head to Harbin for the annual winter ice festival. Harbin is the capital of Heilongjiang Province in northeast China. It is directly influenced by the cold winds of central Siberia, reaching low winter temperatures of -38 degrees Celsius. This makes it a perfect location for ice and snow culture. Harbin, known as The City of Ice, is home to one of the world's grandest ice festivals.
The Harbin Ice Lantern Festival is usually held from the beginning of January until late February. It attracts ice artists from all the cold corners of the world who participate in the International Ice Carving Contest. Alongside local artists, they carve ice from the nearby Songhua River. They then turn these ice blocks into beautiful sculptures of every type. There are political figures, television and movie legends, comic book heroes, and fairytale characters. The artists also construct buildings of ice that may stand 11 stories high. Besides the usual sculptures, there are also ice slides, ice forts, and ice swimming. The Harbin Ice Lantern Festival makes it worthwhile to brave the cold.
冰与光的盛礼 哈尔滨冰灯节
Growing up can be a painful process, full of many different trials. One of them is acne. Acne is a condition in which the skin becomes swollen and forms small bumps around the hair follicles. While it goes by many different names, it can be a painful part of life. Acne is most common in adolescents, but it can arise at all ages. It usually runs in families and the condition typically begins at puberty. This is due to changes in hormones that excite the oil glands.
If you have a mild case of acne, it is possible to control it using over-the-counter products. Washing your face two to three times a day with a mild face wash may also help get rid of some of the oil and dirt. One important note is not to scrub your face when you clean it. And no matter what, never pop or pierce a pimple. Severe acne may need the assistance of a doctor. Medications and ointments often help, though they may have some side effects. Having acne doesn't have to mean the end of your life. It is something that can be dealt with, but it may take time and effort.