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时间:2023-05-23 作者:佚名

930th article第930期双语推文

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Cities are often treasure troves of folk art. With the advent of the New Year, the streets are full of various folk arts characteristic of old Zhengzhou. Red lanterns hanging in the streets, window paper-cuts, and household supplies all add charm to this ancient city.


Zhengzhou is located in the Central Plains, the ancient birthplace of Chinese civilization. The traditional folk art here serves as both a significant testimonial to the survival and growth of the Chinese people on Chinese soil for thousands of years, and a spiritual bond between the past and present.


Wonderful workmanship excels nature. We start the chapter on folk art in our exploration of "Gifts from Zhengzhou in 2023".


Dough sculpture is a traditional form of Chinese folk art with exquisite shape and color. Cui Yongrui is a practitioner of this cultural tradition in Henan Province. His dough sculpture, Yellow River Children — Yearly Prosperity, depicts seven endearingly innocent and cheerful babies carrying a treasure basin, signifying a joyful life for people in the New Year.


The history of ancient Zhengzhou is preserved in clay sculptures. With the use of the distinctive red clay from the Central Plains, Master Zhao Enmin created the clay sculpture titled Childishness, which depicts a group of six children playing on the banks of the Yellow River. It's fascinating to note that each character's head and limbs may freely swivel, allowing you to view each figure from a variety of interesting perspectives.


Traditional folk art possesses exceptional creative qualities and values still relevant in the modern era. Professor Xie Shaobo of the School of Fine Arts of Zhengzhou University has produced a series of sculptures titled Door Godby drawing on the qualities of the exceptional traditional folk art of new year wood-block painting in the Central Plain region and fusing traditional folk art with contemporary art. He created the sculptures using the door god's image so that the beauty of classical art may be preserved and improved upon.


The double pot, which was discovered in the first known village of China — Dahe Village in Zhengzhou around 5,000 years ago — is a representative cultural landmark of Zhengzhou City as well as a symbol of peace, friendship, mutual respect, and mutual benefit. The Celadon Double Pot, created by Sun Jun, a practitioner of the Zhengzhou kiln celadon firing technique, has walls as thin as paper and jade-like glazing color, which vividly shows off the charm of Central Plains ceramics.



The glazing color, process, and artistic conceptions all demonstrate the beauty of celadon ceramics. The 2023 mascot Rabbit, developed by senior industrial artist Yang Qingping, is full and round, simple and elegant, representing a pleasant life and a good job.


Paper-cutting is a traditional folk skill spread throughout the Yellow River basin. Huang Jianjun, a practitioner of the cultural technique in Zhengzhou, has a paper-cut scroll titled Beautiful Zhengzhou(part). The whole work is 22 meters long. With rich content and delicate portrayal, it depicts Zhengzhou's folk customs and cultural landscape while capturing the magnificence of the rising city.


Root carving is another traditional Chinese art. When carving roots, the natural form should serve as the foundation of the artistic image, with carved additions playing a supplementary role so that natural beauty and artistic creation coexist in perfect harmony. Using Taihang cliff cypress with relief techniques, Zhengzhou artist Chen Ruitao produced the root sculpture Bright Prospectfor the New Year, expressing his best wishes for the upcoming Year of the Rabbit.


These works, from shape to technique, are all steeped in the Central Plains' rich historical and cultural heritage, as well as artistic inheritance and innovation. These ancient folk art treasures are in vogue in the city, displaying new artistic appeal.




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Chief Planner丨Shi Dadong

Managing Editor丨Xiong Vivi

Text Editor丨Cui Ying, Li jiaqi

Art Editor丨Wang Xiaoyu


Voice丨Benjamin Curwen(英国)



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