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时间:2022-12-02 22:43:49 阅读: 评论: 作者:佚名



You have to believe that there will be your lover in the world, no matter you are surrounded by light and applause at the moment, or you are walking on the empty street and drenched by the heavy rain. He will definitely find you, he will walk through the crowd one by one and walk towards you.


AZan, I hope you will have a good wine and light fur in your next life. You will be carefree all your life.


The high-energy charged particle stream from the earth's magnetosphere excites the molecules in the upper atmosphere to produce a luminous phenomenon. The particles and molecules meet and combine at an altitude of tens of thousands of meters, bursting out a world-famous beauty. This is probably the most romantic statement I can imagine about aurora and love.

“有人怕辜负十年寒窗九载遨游,八月科场,七篇文章,才落得个兵部侍郎 ,怕只怕无有下场。”

Some people are afraid that they will fail to live up to the cold window of ten years and travel for nine years. In August, the imperial examination hall will write seven articles, and then they will become a minister of the Ministry of war. They are afraid that there will be no end.


There is a girl, like this, but she does not know, how can I not heart.


If that person has ever appeared in the world, other people will make do with it, and I don't want to make do with it.

“没有瞧见她的时候,天下倒还是个天下的模样,她死了,天下变成了一桩桩琐事。 从此我活着仅仅是为了熬完最后的日子,不管二十岁还是六十岁。”

When I didn't see her, the world was still the same. When she died, the world became trivial. From then on, I live only to survive the last days, no matter 20 or 60.


I love you for many, many years. I love you when you don't know, when you think it's impossible, when your eyes can't see me at all.


May the person I miss be thousands of miles away from the ominous person, and be safe all the time.


I like you at night, and I like you during the day. I like you smoking and swearing, and I like you staying up late reading books. If you lose your temper, I like you telling a bad joke. I like you not wearing clothes. I like you wrapping up a zongzi. I like the mole on your earlobe. I also like the rash after your hangover. I like you doing nothing, and I like you being complacent and starting from scratch From foot to foot, I like you.


After a big dream, the dream to see the mountain flowers such as jade, such as to see the old friend is overjoyed.

“荒凉白日里,我被禁锢在陈朽黑白梦境中,这里乌云蔽日,寸草不生,万物都荒芜。直到你从荒原中走过。你踏过之处,世界开始苏醒,我看见野花压满枝头沿途狂野生长,白雪滑落树梢寒梅怒放,我看见归鸟蝉鸣,烈日骄阳。 我看见白日梦的尽头是你。 从此天光大亮。 你是我全部的渴望与幻想。”

In the desolate day, I was imprisoned in the old black and white dream, where dark clouds block out the sun, every inch of grass is barren, everything is barren. Until you walk through the wilderness. You step over the place, the world began to wake up, I saw wild flowers covered branches, wild growth along the way, snow fell, the tree top, plum blossom in full bloom, I saw returning birds cicadas, the scorching sun. I see you at the end of the daydream. From then on, it was bright. You are all my desire and fantasy.


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