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干饭文案朋友圈 加班干饭文案朋友圈

时间:2022-12-02 19:41:26 阅读: 评论: 作者:佚名


The eating pile is sharp,and the working shuttle is by the side


Heroes don't ask the source, beautiful women don't ask the number of pounds

三,别的比不过别人 但干饭能。

Others can't compete with others, but rice can

四,你要悄悄干饭 成为胖子 干完全食堂的饭 让其他人无饭可干。

You have to cook quietly, become a fat man, cook in the canteen, and let others have nothing to do.

五,只要你不停的干饭 就没有你追不上的体重 加油 干饭人。

As long as you keep cooking, there will be no weight you can't catch up with. Come on, cook.

六,没有甜甜腻腻的恋爱 只有到点了就能干的饭要像奔向食堂一样,奔向自己喜欢的人。

There is no sweet, greasy love, and only when you arrive, you should rush to the people you like, just like running to the canteen.


Don't call me a lone dog. I'm the lightning king of the canteen

八,人是铁饭是钢 吃饭就要干才香。

Man is iron, rice is steel, and when he eats, he must be dry and fragrant九,爷不缺男人 但爷缺钱干饭。I don't lack men, but I don't need money to make a living


In this impetuous and fast-paced society, only the moment of dry rice makes me feel calm and carefree.


No object, but you have to do something better than others


Today's rice is not enough, and tomorrow's position is not stable enough


Boyfriend will only hero the speed of your cooking


Don't worry. I'll just miss you tomorrow.


The wind is sweet on the way to dinner

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