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1 主干串起枝叶的行文特点

2 非正常语序 irregular word order

3 否定的特殊性

4 时态可能代替了时间性的副词

5 语态可能代替了语态性的副词

1 主干串起枝叶的行文特点




Outside, the late afternoon sun slanted down in the yard, throwing into gleaming brightness the dogwood trees that were solid masses of white blossoms against the background of new green. (外面,阳光斜照到场地上,映照着一簇簇的白色花朵在绿色的背景中显得分外鲜艳。)

2 非正常语序 irregular word order

人们在交际中所传递的信息通常由已知信息和新信息组成。已知信息通常由主语表示,即说话人或写文章的人认为对方已知的人、事、物,这是传递信息的出发点;新信息通常由谓语表示,即说话或写文章的人认为对方还不知道的新内容,是信息传递的着重点。因此,形成了英语相对的正常语序(regular word order):主语+谓语。因此,新信息中最关键的部分常出现在句子末端,称之为末端中心(end focus)。凡是语法结构较复杂的词数较多的信息片断(piece of information)一般出现在句末,称之为末端重量(end weight)。

末端中心和末端重量是排列英语语序的重要原则:要求把新的中心信息和重量信息安排在句子尾部。在英语造句中极力避免头重脚轻,即避免主语过长的句子,即谓语部分在正常句式中要比主语长一些。应尽量避免用单个不及物动词作谓语。避免说:He rested. 而要说:He took a rest. (AmE)或He had a rest.(BrE)

倘然改变了上述英语中相对固定的正常语序,即采用后移postponement、外位extraposition、分隔 discontinuity、前置fronting、倒装inversion、分裂cleaving等等修饰手段所产生的非正常语序(Irregular word order)就可以达到种种不同的强调的修辞效果。

2.1 后移 postponement

2.1.1 被动态 passive voice

The flowers were destroyed by the rain.

2.1.2 外位 extraposition

  • It takes him an hour to get there by bus.

  • It's dangerous playing with fire.

  • It is certain he will win.

  • We think it useless arguing with him.

  • We think it important that we should put education in the first place.

2.1.3 分隔 discontinuity

  • Just then I noticed, for the first time, that Monsieur Hamel wore his fine green coat...

  • So I got a place in a laundry ironing shirts.

2.2 前移 fronting(广义的倒装)

  • Upon the education of the people of his country the fate of this country depends.

  • Her appearance all admired, while her personality few praised.

  • A scandal I call it.

  • Very strange it seemed.

2.3 倒装 inversion

2.3.1 全部倒装

  • Here are some letters for you to type.

  • Out flew a bird from teacher's chalk-box.

  • In books are embalmed the greatest thoughts of all ages.

2.3.2 部分倒装

  • Never has bob been abroad before.

  • Only when one plunges into the powerful current of times will one's life shine brilliantly.

  • Often does he warn us not to touch the poisonous chemical.

  • Wealthy though he is, I don't envy him.

  • Were the danger even greater, I should feel compelled to go.

  • Be a man ever so clever, he knows nothing if he doesn't learn.

  • Had it not been the discovery of electricity, the telegraph, telephone, radio and motion picture would have been impossible.

  • Tired that he was, he went to bed early.

  • As fire tries gold, so does adversity try virture.

  • They looked upon him as a trusted friend, as did many others he had deceived.

  • She will be twenty-one, come May.

2.4 分裂/强调句 cleaving

  • It was in your room that I met the Batman yesterday.

  • It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare; it is because we do not dare that they are difficult.

  • Which books is ityou want.

  • What a picture it is you've drawn!

  • It is a wise father that knows his own child.(再英明的父亲也不会理解他自己的子女。It is ... that句型的让步句要“反译”)

  • He does speak four languages.

3 否定的特殊性

3.1 部分否定和全部否定 partial and absolute negation




代名词allsomenone=no one/noany

bothone or the otherneithereither





altogethersomewhatno wayanyway
  • Some of these books are not useful to me.(B的否定=B)

  • He was never dissatisfied with my work.(C的否定=A)

  • Great men are not always wise.(A的否定=B)

  • not ever = never; not anybody = nobody. (D的否定=C)

3.1.1 可能是部分否定,也可能是全部否定

I wasn't listening all the time.


3.1.2 全部否定:只能用“全部否定词+肯定式谓语”

  • No man is rich enough to buy back his past.

  • Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.

  • None of the answers are right.

3.1.3 部分否定

  • Not all the answers are right.

  • All men are not good.

  • All is not gold that glitters.

3.2 准否定(半否定) quasi-negation (semi-negation)

  • He could barely keep body and soul together.(barely=only juse,仅仅,几乎没有)

  • He scarcely ever opens a book.(scarcely ever = almost never,几乎从来未曾)

  • Hardly had I reached the bus stop when the bus started.

3.3 多余否定 pleonastic negation

英语在间接问句中使用否定形式也并不表示否定。英美习惯在含有“怀疑、不知道、没把握”等意义的wonder,(not) know,(not) sure,to see if等词或词组后面由if或whether引导的从句中加个否定词not,这种语法形式称之为“多余否定”。这种多余否定,形式上否定句,意思上肯定句。

  • I wonder if we cannot get any more.(我想知道再拿一些行不行。)

  • “What a fine day! I wonder whether she will not come this afternoon."(“天气太好了!我想下午她会来。”

  • I don't know if Mr. Baker will not go to the movies tonight.(我不知道贝克先生今晚是否去看电影。)

3.4 特指否定 specail negation

凡是句子的谓语动词被否定的称为一般否定(general negation),其他成分被否定,称为特指否定或局部否定。


  • He has no more than five yuan.(他只有五元线。)

  • He has not more than five yuan.(他最多有五无线。)

  • A home without love is no more a home than a garden without flowers.(没有爱情的家不能算是家,正如没有花的园子不能算是花园一样。)

  • I am no more mad than you are.(我和你一样没疯。)

  • I am not more mad than you (are).(我和你一样地疯。)

  • He is not any more than a puppet.(他只不过是一个傀儡。)

3.5 双重否定 double negation

  • Don't fail to come tonight.

  • Nothing is unexpected.

  • Nothing great was ever achieved withou enthusiam.

3.6 否定转换与否定范围 transferred negation and scope of negation


3.6.1 简单句中否定其他成分的not转移到否定谓语动词

  • We're not here to explain why slums make criminals.(我们来这儿,不是为了要解释为什么贫民窟会使人犯罪的。)

  • He was not put on trial.(不经审讯他就被关进监狱了。)

  • But you will not see all animals all through the winter.(但在整个冬天你将看到的不是所有的动物。)

  • All the warm-blooded animals do not need to to hibernate.(并不是所有的温血动物都需要冬眠。)

  • I don't think it right.(我认为这是不对的。)

  • You don't seem to be well today.(你好像今天身体不舒服。)

3.6.2 主从复合句中否定从句的not转换到否定主句谓语动词

  • It doesn't look as if it is going to rain.(看起来不会下雨。)

  • I don't think I know you.(我想我不认识你。)

  • It is not her thought that you should go to New York at all.(她认为你根本就不应该去纽约。)

  • The sky is not less blue because the blind man does not see it.(天空不会因为盲人看不见,就不那么蓝了。)

3.6.3 并列句中否定第二个成分时,not转换到谓语动词


  • My younger brother doesn't know English and Russian.(我弟弟懂英语,但不懂俄语。)

  • My younger brother doesn't know English or Russian.(我弟弟英语或俄语都不懂。)

  • The film is not interesting and instructive.(这部影片有趣,但无教育意义。)

  • The film is not interesting or instructive.(这部影片既无趣,又无教育意义。)

4 时态可能代替了时间性的副词


The windows had been opened.


5 语态可能代替了语态性的副词

The thief was caught by the policeman.


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