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时间:2022-12-11 13:53:13 阅读: 评论: 作者:佚名


Many men will cast a contemptuous look: a big man, what do women have to be afraid of


Deliberately not replying to our messages is a cold attitude


Whatever the outcome, we must choose to believe and find the right solution, which can not be delayed

一个真正爱你的人将是你肚子里的蛔虫,知道你在想什么,愿意做一个 "小跟班",主动照顾你,让你满意。

A person who really loves you will be a worm in your stomach Knowing what you are thinking, he is willing to be a "little attendant" and take the initiative to take care of you and make you satisfied


When a person from love to indifference, there is only one reason, that is the lack of love


In the vast sea of people, meeting a man who really loves you and treats you with his heart is the greatest luck and happiness in this life


Living in this world, having the ability to be self-sufficient is not always' people-oriented ' A smart woman's way of life is to have a long-term vision


When a woman doesn't have her own opinion, but goes with the tide, I will only have a mediocre life


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