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时间:2022-12-09 14:13:54 阅读: 评论: 作者:佚名

一,我的夜空本星河长明 遇见你后寥若晨星

My night sky is like the morning star when I meet you

二,你是八千里云和月 是十万里星河

You are a 8 thousand-mile cloud and the moon is a 100 thousand-mile galaxy

三,热爱漫无边际 生活自有分寸

Love the boundless life has its own sense of proportion

四,我会在每个有意义的时辰 远隔山海与你共存

I will live with you every meaningful time

五,我们都真诚一点 别违背了本意 别辜负了相遇

Let's all be honest. Don't go against the grain. Don't let it down

六,我想做一朵安静的流云 被风吹成你喜欢的样子

I want to be a quiet flowing cloud blown by the wind as you like

七,你是令人如沐春风 是我藏在眼底里的璀璨星河

You are like a spring breeze, I hide in the eyes of the bright star river

八,对的要坚持 错的要遗忘 世间山河之广 祝你如愿以偿

That's right. Stick to the wrong. Forget the world. wish you got what he wanted


Go in your own direction, at least you are happy.


Don't lose heart. Ordinary you deserve to be treasured.


Don't lose heart. You'll be someone else's treasure sooner or later


The gentleness of life will always run into your arms


Be happy. Sooner or later, you're someone else's treasure

十四,最暗的夜才会看见最美的星光 人生亦是如此

The darkest night will see the most beautiful stars, life is the same

十五,所有努力最后都会绕个大圈 回报给你

All the hard work will end up in a big circle and return to you


Young and affectionate, you can also look at each other

十七,没关系 天空越黑 星星越亮

It doesn't matter. The darker the sky, the brighter the stars

十八,你看我越是穷途末路 就越是势如破竹

You see, the more desperate I am, the more desperate I am

十九,既然错过了星星 就别在错过月亮

If you miss the stars, don't miss the moon


The shoulders of a young man should carry the grass, the long warbler, the flying wind and the bright moon.


Live your life to show yourself

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