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时间:2023-03-15 11:23:40 阅读: 评论: 作者:佚名

Keel over

1.turn upside downTip over;超限(船)倾覆;翻转

The boat keeled over,and all the passengers fell into the water。那艘船倾复了,乘客们都落水了。

the ship keeled over when it hit the rocks,and sank to the bottom with all its passengers and sailors。船搁浅后倾复,和所有乘客和船员一起沉入海底。

2.fall over in a faintFaint晕倒了

it was so hot during the assembly that two girls who were standing on the stage keeled over。天气太热,集合时站在舞台上的两个女孩晕倒了。

he keeled over with laughter when I told him the joke。我给他讲笑话时,他笑了。

when the principal told the girl her father died,she keeled right over.校长告诉那个女孩,父亲去世时当场晕倒了。

several cadets keeled over from the heat during the PD rade。一些军校学生在检阅期间因天气太热而晕倒。


InterestedinFond of;Eager to/for是.我感兴趣。渴望喜欢

I'm not very keen on jazz。我对爵士音乐不太感兴趣。

she is particularly keen on playing the piano。她对弹钢琴特别着迷。

Tom is not very keen on Stella.汤姆不太喜欢斯特拉。

Keep about/around

1.havesth.always present很容易获得

I like to keep a few envelopes about in case I need them。我喜欢手里有信封以防万一。

not many people now adays keep servants about the houst。今天雇佣人买房子长的人不多。

2.继续履行go on with one's duties责任

She is very ill,but she still keeps about.她病得很重,但仍在继续工作。

Keep a civil tongue in one's head

Be polite in speaking彬彬有礼地说话。说话不粗鲁

the bus driver began yelling at the woman and she told him to keep a civil tongue in his head。汽车司机大声叫那个女人,但她要他礼貌地说。

Don 't be rude;Keep a civil tongue in your head.不要那么粗鲁,请礼貌地说。

Kep a good table

always have good food served at one ' s table and have it in abundance总是吃美味丰盛的食物

all her neighbours abmitted that she kept a good table。所有邻居都承认她总是有丰盛的食物。

Keep a straight face

Keep from smiling or laughing不微笑

he kept a straight face while he was telling his story。他面对面地讲述了他的故事。

the situation was so humorous that I found it difficult to keep a straight face。场面太有趣了,不能不笑。

Keep after

1.continue chasing继续追

the police kept after the criminal until at last they caught him。警察一直追赶罪犯,直到最后抓住他为止。

our PLA detachment kept after the fleeing bandits for a long time before they cau tht them

2.speak to sb . aboutsth . again and again;雷敏

d over and over again 重复谈及;一再提醒

Some pupils will do sloppy work unless the teacher keeps after them to write neatly.有些学生作业马虎草率,除非老师一再提醒他们要书写整齐。

If you want to get any essays out of those lazybones,they have to be kept after.你要想让那些懒鬼写文章的话,就得反复催促他们不可。

3.find fault with 找毛病

She keeps after the children the whole time.她一直在找孩子们的差错。

Don't keep after the nurses all day long or they'll all resign.不要整天钉住保育员们找毛病,否则他们都要辞职。

keep an eye on

1.watch in order to take care of 照料

Please keep an eye on my housewhen I am out on holiday.我外出度假时,请照料一下我的房子。

Please keep an eye on my child while I'm away.我不在时,请你帮我照看一下孩子。

2.have an eye on;watch carefully;not stop paying attention to 谨慎注意;不停地注意

We should always keep an eye on the progress of science in the world.我们应密切注意世界上的科学发展。

Keep an eye on the time so you won't be late.注意看看时间,不要迟到了。

We have to keep an eye on the opportunities for business.我们必须注意做生意的机会。

A good driver keeps his eye on the road.好的驾驶员会注意看路。

3.guard 看守;密切注视;警戒

That man looks suspicious;keep an eye on him.那人形迹可疑,注意他。

The bank guard kept an eye on the parking lot while they were loading the armored truck with money.在给装甲车上装钱时,银行的卫兵密切注视着停车场。

keep an eye out for

be on the alert for;be vigilant;watch for 警戒;密切注意

The police have been instructed to keep an eye out for pickpockets at the fair.警察奉命监视博览会里的扒手。

Keep an eye out for future announcements.注意以后的通知。

keep at

1.continue to do;go on with;persist with 持续;继续;坚持做

He kept at the job till it was finished.他把这个工作坚持做完。

They kept at it,until they succeeded in their experiment.他们坚持不懈,直到试验成功。

He kept at me for payment.他坚持要我付款。

You must keep at your studies.你不要放弃你的学业。

2.worry with repeated requests,complaints,etc.以不断地请求、抱怨等纠缠或困扰(某人)

They kept at the filmstar with their appeals for subscriptions.他们缠着那位影星,请求签名。

The children kept at their mother to take them to the movies,and she had to agree in the end.孩子们缠着妈妈带他们去看电影,最后她只好答应了。

keep at arm's length

keep at a distance 保持一段距离

You had better keep him at arm's length.你最好不要和他过分亲近。

keep away

1.remain a distance from;prevent sb.from coming or going near;avoid coming 不要接近;阻止某人干某事

Nothing will keep me away from the exciting play.什么也无法阻止我去看那出令人激动的戏。

Keep away from the fire.不要靠近那火。

You'd better keep away from the dog.你最好不要靠近那条狗。

Keep the child away from the water's edge.不要让孩子靠近河边。

What kept you away yesterday? 昨天你为什么没有来?

2.abstain 戒

He keeps away from liquor and tobacco.他不吸烟,也不喝酒。

keep back

1.prevent from coming阻止

Police horses were used to keep back the crowd.警马被用来阻挡人群。

Dykes keep back the floodwater.堤坎拦住洪水。

The police tried in vain to keep back the protesting crowds who were rushing towards the government building.警察企图挡住冲向政府大厦的抗议人群,但未能成功。

2.control;hold back 控制

Jim was able to keep back his anger and avoid a fight.吉姆能抑制住自己的愤怒,从而避免了一场殴斗。

In vain I tried to keep back my tears.我怎么也忍不住我的眼泪。

3.delay 延迟

I am sorry we were late;we started in good time,but heavy rain on the road kept us back.对不起,我们来晚了。我们虽然准点起程,可一路上大雨耽搁了我们赶路。

4.not tell;conceal 隐瞒

We must not keep back anything we know.不应该隐瞒我们所知道的事。

He is keeping something back from us.他对我们有所隐瞒。

I'll keep back nothing from you.我对你一切都不隐瞒。

The doctor recommended that the exact nature of the woman's illness should be kept back from her.医生建议不要让那个妇女知道她所患疾病的确切性质。

5.withhold 扣留

National Insurance keeps bacek 5%of my wages.国家保险公司扣除我工资的5%。

They are keeping back the names of the victims.他们扣压着受害者的名单。

6.reserve;save 保留;留出

The factory keeps back some money every year for welfare purposes.这个工厂每年留出一部分钱用于福利事业。

7.hinder 妨碍

I don't want to keep you back from your work.我不想妨碍你的工作。

I hope I'm not keeping you back.我希望没有妨碍你。

keep bad hours

be habitually late in returning home or in retiring to rest 晚睡晚起;晚归晚睡;生活无规律

He keeps bad hours.He is rarely home until past midnight.他生活无规律,常常在午夜后才回家睡觉。

keep behind

make sb.remain after others are gone 留下

Jane was late home because she was kept behind at school to finish some work.简回家迟了,因为她被留在学校完成功课。

keep body and soul together

keep alive;survive 活下去

They had hardly enough food to keep body and soul together.他们没有足够食物来维持生活。

John was unemployed most of the year and hardly made enough money to keep body and soul together.约翰一年中大部分时间失业,他赚的钱简直不够维持生活。

When he was out of work,he could hardly keep body and soul together.他失业时,几乎无法养活自己。

keep clear of

avoid 避开;不接触

You should keep clear of that fellow.你应当避开那家伙。

You should keep clear of spirits in the tropics.在热带地区,你不能饮酒。

When you are in a tropical country,keep clear of insects which may be carrying dangerous diseases.在热带国家,要避开那些可能携带危险疾病的昆虫。

keep company

1.associate with 和…交往

See that you do not keep company with undesirable characters.注意不要和不良分子交朋友。

A person may be known by the company he keeps.看他交往的人,就可以知道他是什么样的人。

He advised me not to keep bad company.他劝我不要与坏人交往。

You should not keep company withsuch people.你不应该和这类人交往。

2.stay or go with sb.so that he will not be lonely陪伴

I'm glad to keep you company.我很高兴和你作伴。

I'll keep you company as far as the end of the lane.我可以一直陪你走到巷子的尽头。

John kept Andy company while his parents went to the movies.安迪双亲去看电影时,约翰就与他作伴。

He stayed at home to keep his wife company.他留在家里陪伴太太。

keep cool

remain calm 保持镇静

The soldier's courage was partly due to his ability to keep cool in the face of danger.这个士兵有勇气,部分原因是他能临危不惧。

keep dark

keep secret保密

We want to know the truth,but he kept dark about it.我们想要知道实情,可是他却守口如瓶。

Peter told me when he was to be married,and I promised to keep it dark.彼得告诉我他结婚的时间,我答应为他保密。

keep down

1.remain at a lower level 处于低水平

Most of the food shops have promised to keep prices down until after the new year.大多数食品店答应新年之后才涨价。

2.not vomit;retain in the stomach 不呕吐;留在胃里

Jane is sick again today;she hasn't been able to keep her food down.简今天又生病了,吃下的东西都吐了出来。

3.control 控制;抑制

I could hardly keep my temper down when I saw the boys treating my dog badly.当我看见那些男孩待我的狗不好时,简直按捺不住愤怒。

The children could not keep their voices down.孩子们不能控制他们的声音。

You should try to keep down your anger.你应该尽量克制自己的脾气。

The firemen kept the fire down with hoses.消防队员用水龙管压住了火势。

4.keep with limits;limit 限制

She is managing to keep down her daily expenses so she could save more money.她设法紧缩日常开支,以便能积攒更多的钱。

We should keep down the soaring prices.我们应控制物价的飞涨。

We should take measures to keep down nonproductive expenses.我们应采取措施削减非生产性开支。

5.keep from progressing or growing;prevent from increasing 阻止…前进、生长、增多

We hoe the garden to keep down the weeds.我们锄花园里的地以免杂草丛生。

He has found out a new way to keep down weeds in paddy fields.他们找到了一种控制稻田杂草的新方法。

Chemicals are used for keeping insects down.用化学药品灭虫。

6.oppress 镇压

The police were ordered to keep down the riot.警察奉命镇压暴动。

The government intends to keep down the revolutionaries.政府企图镇压革命者。

The peasants were kept down initially but finally they staged an uprising.农民们起初被压服了,但最后还是举行了起义。

keep from

1.not let others know it;not tell 保密

You'd better keep the bad news from Mother.你最好不要把这坏消息告诉母亲。

Keep the news from him;he will tell everyone about it.不要把这消息告诉他,他会见人就说的。

2.prevent from;hold back 阻止

The government is considering further action to keep the pound from falling in value.政府正在考虑采取进一步行动以阻止英镑贬值。

Urgent business kept me from attending the meeting.我因为有急事,所以没有参加会议。

You'd better keep your daughter from going out at night.你最好禁止你女儿夜间外出。

3.hold oneself back from;stop or prevent oneself from doing sth.避免;不做某事;戒除

He keeps from alcohol.他戒酒了。

Can you keep from repeating gossip?你能避免搬弄是非吗?

I hope you will keep from doing anything rash.我希望你不要做任何鲁莽的事情。

The doctor advised me to keep from smoking.医生劝我戒烟。

If you get to know him,you can't keep from liking him.你了解他以后,就不会不喜欢他。

keep good/early hours

be habitually early in returning home or in retiring to rest 经常早回家或早睡觉;早睡早起

School boys should keep good hours.上学的孩子要早睡。

Those who keep early hours are generally healthy.早睡早起的人身体好。

keep going

continue to live;maintain in operation 维持生活;维持下去

How does the old man keep going?那位老人是怎么维持生活的?

The principal of the school died,but the teachers keep the school going as before.校长逝世了,但是老师们维持了正常的教学。

My money can keep me going until pay day.我的钱能使我维持到发工资的时候。

The doctors manage to keep him going.医生们设法维持他的生命。

I'm not sure that the company can keep going.我不敢断定这家公司是否能继续维持下去。

keep house

do the usual work of running home,cooking,cleaning,etc.管理家务

He is quite good at keeping house.他治家有方。

When my grandmother died,Mother went to keep house.我外祖母去世后,我母亲就去料理家务。

keep in

1.control 抑制

You should keep in your bad temper.你应该控制你的坏脾气。

Jim was very angry but he kept himself in.吉姆很气愤,不过还是忍住了。

2.(make)stay indoors(使)留在室内

It's best to keep in while the temperature is so far below freezing point.气温在零下很多度的时候最好不要外出。

Bad weather has kept the children in for a week.糟糕的天气已经使孩子们在家里呆了一星期。

We were kept in by the rain.下雨了,我们出不去。

3.continue burning 继续燃烧

Will the fire keep in till we get back?这火能一直燃烧到我们回来吗?

The stove will keep in all night if you put enough coal into it.如果在炉子里放足够的煤的话,这炉火可烧一夜。

4.detain after normal school hours (as a punishment,etc.)把(学生)留在学校晚回家(作为惩罚等)

Our teacher was in a bad temper today.She kept us all in for half an hour.今天老师脾气不好,她把我们留在学校晚放学半个小时。

keep in check

1.control;avoid an excess of 控制(增长)

We must keep our spending in check this month.我们必须控制这个月的开销。

Unless imports are kept in check we are in danger of losing our favourable balance of trade.如果不控制进口,我们就有失去贸易有利平衡的危险。

If I hadn't kept myself in check,I might have said something that I would have regretted later.如果我不控制自己的话,我就会说出一些以后要后悔的话。

2.prevent any further advance by 控制进一步发展

By prompt action the authorities managed to keep the disease in check.当局采取及时措施控制了疾病的蔓延。

keep in contact/touch with

continue in communication with;be in touch with 与…保持联系

Now that we've met again aftre all these years,let's keep in touch with each other.既然这么多年之后我们又见面了,那就让我们彼此保持联系吧。

When I was at college I kept in touch with my parents by phoning them every week.我上大学时,每周打一次电话和父母保持联系。

keep in one's head

remember 记下;背下

I don't know how the chairman keeps all these data in his head.我不知道主席是如何记住这些数据的。

keep in mind

remember;bear in mind记住

Above all,you should keep it in mind to be temperate in eating and drinking.最重要的是,要记住节制饮食。

It must be kept in mind that we shall have to be present before eight tomorrow.一定要记住,我们要在明天8点以前到场。

You must keep in mind that he is younger than you.你应该记住他比你年轻。

Please keep in mind that you promised to call her at two o'clcok.请记住,你曾答应她两点钟打电话给她。

keep in with

remain familiar or friendly with与…保持良好关系

You should keep in with him as he is very influential.你应和他搞好关系,他是一个很有影响的人。

keep off

1.prevent from coming near使不接近

Mary tends to keep off from people who try to be friendly too suddenly.玛丽一般不去接近那些突然变得亲热起来的人。

2.remain at a distance 勿走近;站在远处

The police told the boys to keep off the grass.警察告诉孩子们勿踏草地。

Keep off!Keep off!The train is moving.闪开!闪开!火车开动了。

Keep your hands off!勿用手摸!

3.(rain,snow,etc.)not begin;be delayed(雨、雪等)不下;推迟

Will the rain keep off until the game?雨会比赛以后才下吗?

I hope the rain will keep off half an hour or so,for I've forgotten ot bring an umbrella.我希望这场雨等半个小时左右再下,因为我忘记带伞了。

4.hinder from approach or attack 阻止;驱散

Smoke will keep off mosquitoes.烟雾可驱散蚊子。

The explorers made a camp fire to keep off wild animals.探险队员们燃起篝火,使野兽不敢走近。

5.not eat or drink;refrain from 不吃;不喝;戒

The only way to get your weight down is to keep off fattening foods,and cut out alcohol altogether.减轻体重的唯一办法,就是不吃会使人发胖的食物,并彻底戒酒。

You'd better try to keep off strong spirits.你最好不喝烈性酒。

6.not mention;avoid不提;避开(话题)

You'd better keep off the religious issues and talk about smoething else.你最好回避宗教问题,讲讲别的内容。

keep on

1.continue 继续

He kept on talking all the time.他一直说个不停。

I wish you wouldn't keep on about the coat you want to buy.我希望你不要再唠叨那件你想买的外套了。

The neighbors asked them to stop making noise,but they kept right on.邻居们请他们不要闹了,但是他们仍旧在闹。

Keep on till you get to the postoffice and then turn right.一直往前走,到了邮局再往右拐。

2.allow to continue working;continue to employ继续雇用

The men were kept on by the firm at the insistence of the Union.由于工会的坚决要求,公司继续雇用了那批工人。

The new owner kept Fred on as gardener.新业主继续雇用弗莱德做园丁。

3.continue to wear继续穿着

I've told you before not to keep your socks on if they get wet.以前我告诉过你,如果袜子湿了,就不要再穿了。

He keeps his hat on even if he is at home.他即使在家也是一直戴着帽子。

keep one's distance

be cool toward sb.;avoid being friendly 对某人表示冷淡;不与某人亲近

Mary did not like her coworker,Betty,and kept her distance from her.玛丽不喜欢她的同事贝蒂,因而对她很冷淡。

keep one's eyes on

observe closely;watch注视;提防

Keep your eyes on your book!眼睛看着书!

The police have been keeping an eye on the thief ever since he came out of prison.自那小偷出狱后,警察就一直注意着他。

He has been keeping his eyes on the developments in house prices.他一直关注着房价的动态。

keep one's eyes open

be watchful注视

Any businessman has to keep his eyes open for a chance of making a profit.任何一个商人都得关注谋利的机会。

He keeps his eyes open and knows the situation clearly.他高度警觉,清楚地了解自己的处境。

keep one's head

keep calm during some emergency (在紧急情况下)保持镇静

That housewife kept her head and telephoned the fire department immediately;otherwise the whole house might burn down.那个家庭主妇头脑冷静,并且立即给消防队打电话,否则整个房子就会烧光了。

Above all,keep your head in the face of danger.最主要的是,面临危险要镇静。

When Jim heard the fire alarm he kept his head and looked for the nearest exit.当吉姆听到火警铃声时,他保持镇定,寻找最近的出口。

keep one's mind on

continue paying attention to继续留神;继续专心于

It's hard to keep your mind on your work with all this noise going on.这些噪声响个不停,很难使你专心工作。

You ought to keep your mind on what you are doing.你应当专心致志地做你的工作。

keep one's mouth shut

be or stay silent 闭嘴

This is a cut throat business;keep your mouth shut.这是性命相关的大事,不可乱说。

keep one's temper

retain selfcommand and an unruffled spirit 从容不迫;泰然自若;忍住怒气

To keep one's temper is not a sign of weakness,but an insication of selfpossession and strength.不发脾气并非表示软弱,而是说明自制和坚强。

He was insulted,but he managed to keep his temper.他受了侮辱,但他设法忍住了怒气。

I was so annoyed with him that I found it difficult to keep my temper.我对他非常气愤,很难不发脾气。

keep one's word

fulfil one's promise 守约;遵守诺言

She is a girl who keeps her word.她是一个守信的女孩。

You may depend upon what he says,for he is a person who always keeps his word.你可以相信他的话,因为他是一个遵守诺言的人。

You must keep your word even if you should lose by it.即使守信用会吃亏,你也必须遵守信用。

Bill kept his word and arrived exactly at the time he had promised.比尔很守诺言,在他所约定的时刻准时到达。

keep open house

entertain freely 十分好客;所有来客都热情招待

Mr.Wang is very hospitable;he keeps open house for his friends and fellow workers.王先生十分好客,无论是他的朋友还是同事,他都热情接待。

keep out

1.hinder from entering 阻止入内

The children have been warned to keep out of the fields while the crops are growing.已经告诫孩子们不要在庄稼生长的时候走进庄稼地。

They have shut the door,and mean to keep us out.他们已经把门关起来,意思是不准我们进去。

Don't keep him out in the cold;ask him to come in.别让他大冷天站在外面,请他进来。

The sign on the door said:“Danger!Keep out!”门上的牌子写着“危险!切勿入内!”

2.withhold;reserve ;save 留出;保留

The best cuts of the meat were kept out for the sick and wounded.最好的几刀肉留给了伤病员。

3.keep from falling into (danger);avoid 避免

The number of deaths might be much smaller if we taught little children how to keep out of danger.如果我们教育小孩怎样避免危险的话,死亡的数目可能会减少很多。

keep out of

not become involved in;stay away from sth.bad不参与进去;不介入某事;不要惹事

I warned Bill to keep out of these things,but he wouldn't listen.我告诫过比尔不要参与这些事情,但是他不听。

Keep out of what doesn't concern you.别参与跟你无关的事。

I hope you'll keep out of trouble while I'm away.我不在家时,希望你不要惹事。

keep pace with

maintain the same rate or speed as;not get behind与…并驾齐驱;不落后

I can't keep pace with her in mathematics.在数学上我比不过她。

We must keep pace with the times.我们必须跟上时代的步伐。

When we go for a walk,John has to take long steps to keep pace with us.当我们出去散步时,约翰必须迈大步才能跟上我们。

His mental development kept pace with the growth of his body.他的智力发展和他的体格发育齐头并进。

keep quiet

1.remain silent 安静

The doctor ordered the patient to keep quiet a few days.医生命令那位病人静养几天。

2.keep secret 保守秘密

If I tell you the story,will you promise to keep it quiet?假如我把这件事告诉你,你会保守秘密吗?

keep to

1.stick to;adhere to;abide by 固守;遵守;坚持

He always keeps to his promises.他总是坚守诺言。

He still keeps to his first resolution.他仍坚持他最初的决定。

It is necessary for us to keep to the style of hard struggle and plain living.我们很有必要保持艰苦朴素的作风。

Whatever your argument, I shall keep to my decision.不管你怎么争辩,我都将坚持我自己的决定。

2.stay in 呆在某处

He has decided to keep to his bed.他决定躺在床上。

When he is in a bad temper,he always keeps to her room all day.当他脾气不好时,就整天闷在自己的房间里。

The weather is so terrible that most people are forced to keep to the house.天气太糟糕了,大多数人都被迫呆在家里。

3.bear towards 靠向

When driving we keep to the right and overtake on the left.驾驶汽车时,我们靠右边走,超越前面的车时,应当从左边走。

In China,traffic keeps to the right.在中国,车辆是靠右行驶的。

4.not deviate from;limit oneself to 使不偏离;限制在(某话题、某范围内)

Let's keep to the subject since we don't have much time.我们不要离题,因为我们没有太多时间了。

keep to oneself

1.live apart 避免交际;独居

He keeps to himself most of the time.他大部分时间独居自处。

2.remain private 不给人知道;保守秘密

Don't keep the news to yourself;let's all share it.不要只管自己知道这消息,让我们也知道吧。

I'll tell you only if you promise to keep it to yourself.你答应保守秘密,我才告诉你。

I can't understand why you kept the news to yourself for so long.我不明白你为什么这么长时间也不把消息告诉他人。

keep track of

1.maintain a record of记载

We have to keep track of every cent we spend.我们必须记下用去的每一分钱。

2.follow the progress or course of;keep informed about注意…进展或发展过程;掌握…线索

He reads the newspapers to keep track of current events.他看报以便了解时事。

Mr.Stevens kept track of his business by telephone when he was in the hospital.史蒂文斯先生在住院期间通过电话了解他的生意情况。

The drug squad successfully kept track of the suspected smugglers and arrested them all in one night.那个毒品缉私队成功地掌握了那些走私嫌疑犯的线索,并在一个晚上将他们全部逮捕。

keep under

1.suppress 控制;压制

The old man kept his feelings under for too long.老人长期以来抑制住自己的感情。

The firemen battled against the flames for several hours before keeping them under.消防队员跟大火搏斗了几个小时才把火势控制住。

2.hold in subjection;repress;hold back使处于被统治地位;征服;约束

Kept under for several centuries,the people of this country finally achieved independence.这个国家的人民受奴役压迫了几个世纪,最后终于获得了独立。

You won't keep her under for much longer.你约束不了她多久了。

3.maintain in a state of unconsciousness or strong sedation处于昏迷或强镇静麻醉状态

The poor man's pain was so intense that he was kept under by means of regular injections of morphine.那个可怜的老人疼得非常厉害,要用打吗啡针的办法才能使他镇静下来。

Throughout the operation,he was kept under by acupunctural anaesthesia.他在开刀时,一直是用针刺麻醉的。

4.keep observing;maintain a constant watch持续观察;密切监视

The plainclothes officers were told to keep the suspected man under constant observation.便衣警察受命密切监视那个有嫌疑的人。

keep under observation

1.watch 注视

The police keep all habitual criminals under observation from the day they leave the prison.所有贯犯自出狱那天警察就密切注视他们。

2.watch or study attentively 注意观察;研究

The doctor cannot understand Jane's stomach trouble,and he wants to keep her under observation for a few days.大夫搞不清简的胃有什么毛病,于是想把她留在医院里观察几天。

keep under one's hat

keep secret 保密

If I tell you the date of the election,can you keep it under your hat?假如我把选举日期告诉你,你能对此保密吗?

We have won the contract for the new tax computer,but keep it under your hat until it's announced officially.我们已经赢得了这份新型税务计算机的合同,但在正式宣布之前还要保密。

Mr.Jones knew who had won the contest,but he kept it under his hat until it was announced publicly.琼斯先生早已知道谁在这次比赛中获胜,但他保守秘密直到正式宣布为止。

keep up

1.remain at a high level居高不下;不低落

Prices have kept up all the year.全年物价一直居高不下。So long as the cost of raw materials keeps up,prices of consumer goods will keep up,too.只要原材料成本不下降,消费品价格也不会下降。

2.maintain or continue the same speed or level;not fall behind继续;保持某一速度和某一水平;不落后

If we can keep up this speed,we should arrive there in about two days.如果我们能保持这个速度,我们在两天之内就应到达那里。

That student has been getting all A's.I hope he can keep it up.那个学生各门功课都得了A,我希望他能保持下去。

Bill had to word hard to keep up.比尔得努力才不落后。

The younger boys were not able to keep up in the race.年轻一些的小伙子们在赛跑中没能跟得上。

In spite of the unfavourable weather,the grain output of the province managed to keep up.尽管天气不好,这个省的粮食产量并未下降。

3.maintain in good condition or repair 保存:继续保持良好状况

Mr.Smith was too poor to keep up his house.史密斯先生太穷了,修不起房子。

The cottage was so old that it was very difficult to keep up.这农舍太破旧了,很难再维持下去。

The city government provides the funds to keep up the roads and other public facilities.市政府提供资金维修道路和其它公共设施。

4.(spirits,courage,morale,strength,determination,etc.)stay buoyant,bright(精神、勇气、情绪、体力、决心等)保持愉快、活泼、开朗

Keep up your courage!鼓起勇气,不要气馁。

Their spirits kept up well in spite of hardships.虽然很艰苦,但他们精神很饱满。

Her spirits have kept up very well,despite all her bad luck.尽管她遭到厄运,她的情绪一直很高。

The troops' spirits were kept up by the occasional visit of wellknown entertainers to their camps.由于著名的文娱节目表演者常来到军营演出,部队的士气很高涨。

To keep your strength up,eat well and get enough sleep.要保持体力,就要吃饱睡足。

5.prevent from sinking or falling;support 使浮起;支撑不倒

The life preserver kept him up until the boat came.救生衣使他保持浮在水面直到小船来救他。

The surviving asilors managed to keep up for several hours and were eventually picked up by a lifeboat.这位幸存的船员努力支撑着使自己浮在水面,最后终于被一艘救生艇救起。

Those houses are so badly built that one wonders how they keep up in a strong wind.这些房子建造得太差劲,我们怀疑它们怎么能经受得住大风暴的袭击。

6.maintain friendship or correspondence保持友谊或通讯关系

I've kept up friendship with him for twenty years.我和他20年来一直保持着友好关系。

I keep up correspondence with my college friends.我一直跟我大学时代的朋友通信。

7.(storm,sunshine,rain,etc.)go on;not stop;continue继续The rain kept up for two days and the roads were flooded.雨持续下了两天,路面已积水成灾。

If this storm keeps up,the crops will be destroyed.这场风暴要是持续不停,庄稼就要被毁了。

I hope the weather will keep up.我希望这天气晴朗下去。

8.keep informed 知悉

Mary is interested in politics and always keeps up with the news.玛丽对政治很感兴趣,对新闻总是知道得很多。

9.prevent from going to bed at the usual time 影响某人在正常时间去睡觉

“Good heavens!It's nearly half past midnight.I must go and I do hope I haven't kept you up.”“天哪!快半夜了,我得走了,但愿没有影响你休息。”

You shouldn't keep your guests up talking for so long.你不该不让客人睡觉陪你谈这么长时间。

10.continue to practise,observe;not allow to lapse or be neglected (the old customs,tradition,etc.)继续保存(习俗、传统等);不允许生疏或忽视

Although the children know all about the myth of Father Christmas,they still like to keep up the old Christmas customs.尽管孩子们知道圣诞老人的秘密,但他们还是喜欢保持圣诞节的这种风俗习惯。

If only I'd kept up my German,I might have got that job in Berlin.要是我没有把德语荒疏就好了,否则我就会得到那份在柏林的工作了。

11.prevent from falling;stay in position 使不掉下来;使保持在适当的位置上

Some boys wear suspenders to keep their trousers up.有些男孩使用吊带来吊住裤子。

12.(efforts,good work,payments,rent) maintain or continue with regularity 继续定期(努力、付款、付租金等)

If you don't keep up the payments,I'm afraid the company will take possession of you car.如果你不能定期付款的话,恐怕公司就要收回你的车子了。

keep up/save appearance

present an unchanged front or appearance in public(esp.following some loss of status,prestige or fortune)装门面;虚饰外表

She would tather go hungry and keep up appearance that eat properly and wear last year's fashions.她宁愿挨饿也要顾全面子而不愿吃得好穿着过时的衣服。

It's silly to spend money just to keep up appearance.仅仅为了装门面图外表而那样花钱是愚蠢的。

Some young people spend lots of money on weddings just to keep up appearance.一些年轻人在婚礼上花费很多的钱仅仅是为了讲排 场、装门面。

keep up with

remain on the level with;maintain the same speed with保持同一水平;赶上

My secretary works so fast that no one in the office can keep up with her.我的秘书工作非常快,办公室里没有人能赶上她。

Every home and office needs the latest electronic equipment to keep up with the times.每个家庭和办公室都需要最新的电子设备以赶上时代的步伐。

I have to work hard to keep up with the other students.我必须努力学习,赶上其他同学。

kick about/around

1.treat badly by kicking or hitting 粗暴对待

You can't kick him around like that.你不能这样粗暴地对待他。

The mother was taken to court for kicking the child about.这位母亲因虐待孩子而被送上法庭。

Mr.Jones is always kicking his dog around.琼斯先生总是虐待他的狗。

2.talk easily and carelessly back and forth about;discuss 扯来扯去地讨论;漫谈

At first our committee didn't want to accept my plan,but later they decided to kick it around for a while.起初委员会不同意接受我的计划,但后来他们决定议一议。

Bod and I kicked around the idea of going swimming,but it was hot and we were too lazy.鲍勃和我说来说去想去游泳,可是天气太热,我们也懒得动。

We'll begin the meeting by kicking around a few possibilities on how we might raise the money,then we'll make some decisions.我们一开始得先讨论一下如何募捐的几种可能,然后再做一些决定。

The committee kicked your suggestion around for over an hour.委员会对于你的建议讨论了一个多小时。

3.lie around or in a place;be treated carelessly;be neglected 闲置;忽视;冷落

This old overcoat has been kicking around the closet for years.这件旧大衣放在壁橱中已多年不穿

The manuscripts have kicked around on the desk for days.那些文稿堆在写字台上已有好多天无人处理。

4.move about often; go from one job or place to another经常到处跑;常换职业

Jack has kicked around all over the world as a visiting professor.杰克以访问教授的身份走遍了全世界。

He's been kicking around for several months.他几个月来一直到处跑。

5.be present; alive; be in existence到场;活着;存在

It never occurred to me he was still kicking around; for years I thought he was dead.我从没想到他居然还活着,多年来我一直以为他已经死了。

The idea of flight had been kicking around for centuries before man actually achieved it.关于飞行的想法持续了几个世纪以后人类才真正予以实现。

kick against


The customers are kicking against paying such high prices.顾客不肯出这样的高价。

kick back

1.return as a reward, often secretly; pay money illegally(悄悄地)报答;回扣

We won the contract because we agreed to kick back 5% of the profit to him.我们赢得了这项合同,因为我们同意悄悄地给他5%的回扣。

Most of us suspect that the contractor kicks back a certain amount to our manager but there is no concrete evidence.我们中大多数人都怀疑承包商给了我们经理一定数量的回扣,但是没有确凿证据。

2.kick sb. in retaliation; counterattack报复;回击

We ought to kick back at all these unfair allegations of corruption in our organization.对那些指责本组织贪污腐败的胡言乱语,我们应当给予还击。

He said he would kick back at his accusers when the time came.他说他到时候要对控告他的人进行还击。

I'll kick back at such malicious slander.我将对这种恶毒的攻击进行反击。

3.restore(stolen property, money, etc.) to the owner把(偷来的钱、物等)退还原主

The thief was severely punished and enjoined to kick back all the stolen money.盗窃犯受到了严厉惩罚,并被责令退还全部赃款。

kick down the ladder

said of persons who repudiate or ignore the friendship or associations by means of which they have risen in the world忘恩负义;过河拆桥

As soon as Harris became manager of the company he kicked down the ladder and turned his back on his former friends.哈里斯一当上经理就翻脸不认人,不理睬过去的朋友了。

kick in

1.contribute one's share,esp.in money 捐献;捐款

Each of us had to kick in a certain amount toward the general expenses.我们每人需捐献一定数量的钱作为公共费用。

We all agreed to kick in 10% of the cost.我们都同意负担10%的费用。

He said he would kick in for the annual Christmas party.他说他要为一年一度的圣诞节晚会捐款。

An unknown contributor kicked in with 500 dollars.一位匿名人士捐了500美元。

2.die 死去

After a long illness,the old man kicked in last night.那位老人久病不愈,昨晚死了。

He kicked in at the ripe old age of 90.他在90高龄时去世了。

She kicked in after a long and painful illness.她害了一场极其痛苦的、久治不愈的大病后死去了。

kick it

end a bad or unwanted habit(such as drinking, smoking or drug addiction)戒除不良恶习(如饮酒、抽烟、吸毒等)

Farnsworth finally kicked it;he's in good shape.法恩斯沃思终于改掉了恶习,现在身体很好。

kick off

1.(football)begin the game by kicking the ball(足球)中线开球

The match is due to kick off at 4:30 p.m.足球比赛定于下午4点半开始。

John kicked off and the football game started.约翰开球,足球比赛开始了。


The candidate kicked off his campaign with a speech on television.这位候选人以一篇电视演说而开始他的竟选活动。

We kicked off with groupsinging.我们以合唱开始了演出。

Who will kick off with the first question for our speaker?谁愿意开头炮,向我们演讲者提问题?


He was almost eighty years old when he kicked off.他去世时已差不多80岁了。

I hear poor old Charlie has kicked off.我听说可怜的老查理已经死了。

After his wife kicked off, he lived with his son.妻子死后,他就和儿子一起生活。

4.stop operating停止运转

The old washing machine has kicked off again.那台旧洗衣机又不转动了。

kick on

begin working suddenly突然工作

Suddenly the motor kicked on,when I had almost given up hope.就在我快要失望的时候,马达突然起动了。

kick oneself

be sorry or ashamed; regret抱怨自己;自责;懊悔

When John missed the train, he kicked himself for not having left earlier.当约翰没赶上火车时,他埋怨自己没早点出门。

No sooner had I uttered the words than I kicked myself for I knew they were utterly wrong.我这些话刚一出口就懊悔了,因为我意识到这些话全错了。

kick out

1.make sb. leave a place, often for a fault(因犯错误)开除某人

If I were you,I would kick those people out of the company.如果我是你,我就会把这些人赶出公司。

When we found out that he had lied,we immediately kicked him out of the club.当我们发现他说谎时,立即将他从俱乐部开除出去了。

The worker was kicked out because he had offended the manager.那位员工因得罪经理而被开除了。

2.resist strenuously拼命抵抗

Don't treat him like that, or he'll kick out.不要那样对待他,否则他会极力反抗的。

kick over

1.(of a motor) begin to work(发动机)发动;开始工作

Try as he would, he couldn't kick the motor over.他怎么努力试,也无法使马达发动起来。

He had not used his car for two months and when he tried to start it,the motor would not kick over.他已有两个月没有用汽车了,当他试着发动时,马达已发动不起来了。


The highway men forced the travellers to kick over all the money they had.拦路的强盗向旅行者勒索他们身上所有的钱。

The gang forced all the store keepers on the block to kick over $10 a week.这帮流氓强迫这条街上所有的商店每周交出10美元来。

kick over/jump the traces

break the rules;behave in an undisciplined way犯规;不遵守纪律;不受纪律约束

When their teacher was absent and they had a substitute, the children kicked over the traces.当他们的老师请假并请了一位代课老师时,孩子们闹翻了天。

kick up

1.stir up(trouble);make or cause a disturbance, scene, etc.惹起(麻烦);引起(骚乱等);大吵大闹

You have to handle him diplomatically or else he'll kick up a lot of trouble.对待他要策略点,否则他会捣乱的。

A crowd of youths outside the door were kicking up such a noise that we could scarcely hear ourselves speak. 门外一群青年人大声吵闹,我们几乎听不见自己的讲话。

2.show signs of not working right 身体有不舒服的感觉;发生故障

He had had too much to eat and his stomach started to kick up.他吃得太多了,胃不舒服。

After working well for a year, the air conditioner suddenly started kicking up.这台空调器正常工作了一年以后突然出了毛病。

3.drive or force dust, etc.upward by kicking踢起灰尘等

The car picked up speed and was soon veiled by the clouds of dust it kicked up.汽车越开越快,不一会儿就被扬起的灰尘淹没了。

The truck kicked a cloud of dust up.卡车扬起了一大片灰尘。

kick up a fuss/a dust/a row

make trouble; make a disturbance 惹事端;起骚扰

Don't kick up a fuss about such trifles!不要为这点小事就吵吵嚷嚷!

When the teacher left the classroom, two boys kicked up a row.老师离开教室时,两个男孩开始打了起来。

If I refuse to go to the theater, my wife is sure to kick up a row.如果我拒绝去戏院,我妻子一定会大闹一场。

She is the kind of person who will kick up a fuss about a very trivial matter.她是那种为一点小事就会大吵大闹的人。

kick up one's heels

have a merry time; celebrate欢欣鼓舞;庆祝

When exams were over, the students went to town to kick up their heels.考试结束后,学生们进城去欢庆了一番。

The children kicked up their heels as soon as they were let out of school.孩子们一放学就高兴得手舞足蹈。

kill off

1.kill or end completely;destroy 杀绝;毁灭

The invaders killed off all the inhabitants of the town.侵略者杀光了全城的居民。

The factory dumped poisonous wastes into the river and killed off the fish.工厂排出有毒的废水,毒死了河中的鱼。

2.extinguish;eliminate 消除;耗尽;去掉

The president suggested a new law but many members of the Congress were against the idea and they killed it off.总统建议立新法,但很多国会议员反对,因此把它否决了。

The lack of enthusiasm killed the project off quickly.由于大家缺乏热情,那项计划很快就不了了之。

kill time

waste time; cause the time to pass more rapidly消磨时间

They killed time by playing cards.他们玩纸牌来消磨时间。

That's all rightdo stay and chat.I'm killing time till I go home.好吧,再留下来谈一会儿。我在回家前也只是消遣消遣。

To kill time until the exhibition opened, we looked round the shops.因等展览会开门,我们去逛商店消磨时间。

kill two birds with one stone

succeed in doing two things by only one action一箭双雕

Mother stopped at the supermarket to buy some bread and then went to get Jane at the dancing class; she killed two birds with one stone.妈妈在超级市场买了些面包,然后去舞蹈训练班接简回家,她一举两得。

“When you're next in London,come and see me.”“Yes, I'll do some shopping and kill two birds with one stone.”“下次你来伦敦时就来看看我。”“当然,我还将买点东西,一举两得嘛。”

kind of

almost but not quite有点儿;有几分

Bob was kind of tired when he finished the job.鲍勃完成工作后有点累。

knock about/around

1.travel without a plan; wander with no fixed aim漫游;无目的地游逛

After graduating from college,Joe knocked about for a year seeing the country before he went to work in his father's business.乔大学毕业后用一年时间周游全国,然后才去他父亲的商行上班。

He's not yet thirty, but he's knocked about the world a good deal.他还没到30岁,但已在世界上跑了不少地方。

He has been knocking about Africa most of his life.他已经在非洲旅行大半辈子了。

2.beat with the fists; mistreat physically or mentally拳打;虐待

The boxer knocked his opponent about all over the ring.拳击者把对方打得在拳击场上打转。

He knocks his wife about a bit.他有点虐待妻子。

He was often knocked about by the shop owner during his apprenticeship.他在学徒期间常常遭到店老板的虐待。

I wish they'd stop knocking their children about.希望他们别再虐待他们的孩子。

3.damage; knock continually and damage(furniture, decorations,etc.)破坏;不停地敲打以致破坏(家俱或装饰物)

The harvest was badly knocked about by the storm.由于那场暴风雨,庄稼的收成遭到了破坏。

I don't like the children playing in this room, for fear they knock the furniture about.我不喜欢孩子们在这房间里玩,怕他们把家俱弄坏。

4.lie about here and there;be found or seen; going about到处乱放;被找到;到处走动

That old thing has been knocking about the house for years.那件旧东西随便丢在家里已经好些年了。

The book is now out of print, but there are probably still copies of it knocking about in the libraries and bookshops.这本书已经绝版了,但在图书馆或书店也许还能找到几本。

There seem to be a lot of policemen knocking about in this district tonight.今晚在这地区似乎有许多警察到处巡逻。

knock against

meet sb. unexpectedly偶然碰到某人

Who do you think I knocked against in the school this morning?你猜今天我在学校遇到谁了?

I knocked against Mr.Smith in the park this afternoon.今天下午我在公园碰到了史密斯先生。

knock away

knock repeatedly, as at a door不停地敲(门)

I've been knocking away for ages,but nobody has answered the door.我敲门敲了很长时间,可没人开门。

knock back

1.consume quickly迅速用光;喝光

He knocked back two double whiskies.他一口气喝光了两杯双料威士忌。


How much did your new jacket knock you back?你那件新上装花多少钱买的?

That car must have knocked her back a few pounds!那辆轿车肯定花了她好些英镑!

3.shock; stun震惊

This unexpected news fairly knocked me back!这出人意料的消息使我颇为震惊!

This kind of news knocks you back a bit, doesn't it?这消息有点使你吃惊,是吗?

knock down

1.knock to the floor or ground击倒;击败

He knocked his opponent down.他击败了对手。

With one blow he knocked his assailant down.他一拳就把袭击他的人打倒在地。

2.strike and cause to fall撞倒

The girl was knocked down by a lorry as she ran across the road.这女孩在跑过马路时被卡车撞倒了。

He was knocked down by a car and was rushed to the hospital.他被汽车撞倒后,随即被送进医院。

3.signify the sale of an article at auction by a blow of the hammer 拍卖时击槌以示卖出

The picture was knocked down to me for $ 20 at an auction.这幅画在拍卖中以20美元卖给了我。

The auctioneer knocked the bureau down to a furniture dealer from York.拍卖人把那张写字台卖给约克的一个家俱商。

A mahogany table was knocked down for five pounds.一张桃花心木桌以5英镑的价钱卖出去了。

4.compel sb. to lower the price of 迫使减价;压价

He asked $500 for his car, but I managed to knock him down by 10percent.他出价 500美元卖他的车子,但我竭力使他减价10%。

The price was knocked down to £5.价格降低到了5镑。

The storekeeper decided to knock down his remaining winter stock.店主决定将剩余的冬季存货减价出售。

5.take apart in handling or transportation拆散;拆零(以便装运)

London Bridge was knocked down stone by stone and rebuilt in the middle of a desert in the United States.伦敦大桥被一块石头一块石头地拆除了,重新安装在美国的一片沙漠中心。

We knocked down the bookcase and packed them in the car.我们将书橱拆散装进汽车。

6.tear down; demolish拆毁;拆除

These old houses will be knocked down to make room for a stadium.这些旧房子将被拆除,以腾出地方来造一座体育馆。

We are going to knock down those old buildings.我们不久就要拆除那些旧建筑物。

7.embezzle money from one's employer盗用雇主之钱

He knocked down plenty of the cash without being caught.他盗用了不少现金,未被发觉。

8.receive,as a salary or a scholastic grade; earn挣得(薪金);获得(分数)

He knocks down about $12,000 a year.他一年大约赚1万2千美元。

9.call upon要求

The chairman knocked her down for a song.主席要求她唱一支歌。

10.cause(a sailing vessel) to heel,as by a gust of wind,to such a degree that it cannot right itself (风)使船倾斜

Lower the sail or the boat will be knocked down.把帆放下来,否则船会被风吹翻的。

knock off

1.stop;leave work 中止(工作);停工

Let's knock off early today and go to see a ball game.我们今天早点下班去看球赛。

We start work at eight and knock off at twelve.我们8点开始工作,12点收工。

What time do you knock off on Fridays?你们星期五什么时候下班?


He knocked off ten percent from the price.他杀价10%。

When he received his money he found that five pounds had been knocked off for expenses incurred.当他收到钱时,他发现由于各种开支扣除了5镑。

3.compose(a poem, an article, a novel, etc.) rapidly and in a short time很快就写出(诗、文章、小说等)

He sat down and knocked off an article for the local paper in an hour.他坐下来在一小时内很快就给当地报纸写了一篇文章。

She knocked that article off in no time at all.那篇文章她一挥而就。

The boy knocked off his homework in 15 minutes and ran out to play tennis.这孩子在15分钟内匆匆写完作业就跑出去打网球了。

4.steal from; commit robbery at 偷窃;抢劫

They knocked off a bank.他们抢了一家银行。

The boy knocked off a necklace when the shop assistant wasn't looking.那个男孩在店员不注意时,偷了一条金项链。

5.eat up quickly吃得快

He knocked off two chops and a plateful of vegetables in about ten minutes and then asked for more.他在10分钟内就吃完两块排骨和一碟蔬菜,然后又要加菜。


He knocked off a Nobel prize.他获得了诺贝尔奖金。

7.take into custody; arrest拘留;逮捕

He was knocked off by the police.他被警察拘捕了。


The gangsters knocked off Herman.歹徒谋害了海尔曼。

They say that the policeman got knocked off because he saw the raiders'faces.他们说那个警察被杀死了,因为他看见了强盗的面孔。

knock off sb.'s feet

surprise sb. so much that he does not know what to do使人惊慌失措

When Charlie was given the prize,it knocked him off his feet.当向查理授奖时,他不知所措。

knock on

continue working继续工作

Let's knock on for another.让我们再干一个小时吧。

knock out

1.stun;render unconscious击昏

He received a blow on the head which knocked him out.他头上被打了一拳就昏倒了。

The falling ladder hit him on the head and knocked him out.梯子倒下来击中了他的头部,把他打昏过去了。

The boxer knocked his opponent out.拳击运动员把对手击晕。

2.eliminate from a competition;defeat an opponent by knocking him out of the fight 从比赛中排除

He was knocked out in the second round of this tournament.他在第2轮比赛中就被击败了。

He has now knocked out most of the other competitors.他现在已经压倒了多数其他竞赛对手。

3.empty by knocking 磕干净

After knocking out his pipe, the old man went on with his story.老人把烟斗里的烟灰磕干净后,又继续讲故事。

4.overwhelm with surprise使震惊;使惊得发呆

For a moment she was completely knocked out by the news.这条消息一下子就使她惊得目瞪口呆。

The beautiful scenery really knocks me out.这美丽的景色简直把我给迷住了。

5.play(a tune) rather unskillfully on the piano不熟练地弹钢琴

I am not a very accomplished pianist, but I can knock out a tune.我不是一个好的钢琴演奏者,但能勉强弹奏一曲。

6.create or finish roughly or hastily粗率地或匆忙地创作成或完成

He knocked out a plan in half an hour.他半小时就草拟出一个计划。

She knocked out ten letters in one evening.她一个晚上写了10封信。

7.make inoperative; destroy使不能使用;破坏;损坏

The telephone communications were knocked out by the storm.电话线被风暴摧毁了。

The power supply system knocked out by the typhoon has been repaired.被台风刮坏的供电系统已经修复。

8.make sb.exhausted使(某人)疲劳;使(某人)累垮

He knocked himself out with excessive work.他工作过度,把身体累垮了。

9.do one's best; exert oneself to the utmost尽最大努力;竭尽全力

He knocked himself out cramming for the exams.他正竭尽全力赶功课准备应试。

The workers knocked themselves out to fulfil their production quota ahead of time.工人们为提前完成生产指标,把全部气力都使上了。

knock over

1.strike from an erect to a prone position把…打翻;打倒

He knocked the thief over with one blow.他一拳将小偷打翻在地。

Carelessly, I knocked my teacup over and the tea went all over the table cloth.我不小心把茶杯打翻了,台布上全是茶。


The family was completely knocked over at the news.一家人都被这个消息搅得心烦意乱。

3.get rid of去掉

They knocked over a lot of difficulties and succeeded at last.他们克服了许多困难,最后终于成功了。

4.get through with完成;办完

He knocked over his exercises in half an hour.他在半小时内完成了作业。

5.steal; rob偷;抢

These gangsters are experienced in knocking over banks.这些匪徒对抢劫银行是很老练的。

knock up

1.wake by knocking敲醒

The old man knocked up his grandson by beating gently on the bedroom window.老人轻轻敲卧室的窗户,唤醒了在里面睡觉的孙子。

Will you knock me up at 7:30 in the morning please?你早上7点半敲门把我叫醒好吗?

I'd like to be knocked up early tomorrow. I've an appointment in London at 9 o'clock.我希望明天有人早点把我叫醒,我9点钟在伦敦有个约会。

2.make ill使疲乏;病倒

Bill must be overworked; he looks badly knocked up.比尔一定是过度劳累了,他看上去疲惫不堪。

Don't knock yourself up trying to finish the job.不要因为急于完成这项工作而把你自己累病了。

I must have a rest;I'm just about knocked up.我得休息一会儿;我差不多精疲力尽了。

Working in the scorching sun all day has knocked me up.在灼热的太阳下工作了一天,我已疲惫不堪了。

3.injure; wound伤害

Two kids were badly knocked up in the car accident.那次车祸使两个孩子受了重伤。

Her arm was knocked up a bit,but not seriously.她的手臂撞伤了一点,但并不严重。

4.make,as an income,from various sources通过各种渠道赚钱

Andrew knocked up over £4,000last year.安德鲁去年赚了4000多英镑。

I wouldn't mind betting he knocks up almost five thousand pounds a year,one way and another.我敢打赌,他各种收入加起来几乎是一年5000英镑。


The children knocked up the new table.孩子们将新桌子弄坏了。

The furniture was pretty much knocked up by the time it arrived.家俱运到时已损坏不少。

6.make uneasy;disturb使烦恼;使不安

She was knocked up by her son's serious illness.她儿子病重使她烦燥不安。

7.make roughly or in a hurry;prepare hurriedly匆忙制作;匆匆准备

They soon knocked up a shelter for the sheep against the imminent storm.为躲避即将来临的暴风雨,他们赶紧给羊群盖好了一个窝棚。

I'm no carpenter, but I can knock up a bookcase when necessary.我虽不是木匠,但我能应急凑合做个书架。

She knocked up a snack for all of us.她给我们大家匆匆准备了一顿小吃。

knock up against

meet by chance巧遇;偶然碰到

I knocked up against my former teacher in the town this morning.今天早上在城里我遇见了我从前的那位老师。

I didn't expect to knock up against so many difficulties when I started on this subject.我没有料到这项目一开始就遇上了这么多的困难。

know about/of

1.have information concerning知道…的情况

I didn't know about that.我不知道那件事。

2.be aware of the existence of知道…的存在;听说过

I know of an excellent little restaurant near here.我听说附近有一家优雅的小餐馆。

know apart

recognize the difference between 区分

The two brothers are so much alike that even their own mother hardly knows them apart.兄弟俩长得一模一样,连他们的母亲也很难区分得出来。

know backwards

learn very thoroughly完全了解

Every actor ought to know his lines backwards before he goes on stage.每一位演员在登台之前都必须背熟台词。

know from

tell the difference between辨别

He does not know right from wrong.他不辨是非。

know of

have heard of/about听说过(没见过)

I don't know the Professor, but I know of him.我不认识这位教授,但是我听说过他。

known as

called by被称为

The actress likes to be known as May Diamond,although it is not her real name.这位女演员喜欢别人叫她“梅宝石”,虽然这不是她真正的名字。

He is known as a great statesman.众所周知他是一位伟大的政治家。

known for

famous for因…而出名

Hangzhou is known for the West Lake.杭州以西湖而著名。

known to

known by为…所知

He is known to everyone as an honest man.人们都知道他是一个诚实的人。

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