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时间:2023-03-08 09:22:58 阅读: 评论: 作者:佚名




In the event that(以前称为in the event of)、in case(以前称为in case of)、providing (that)、provided (that)、on the Where

在英语合同中,这些词经常用于诱导条件子句,基础英语中常用的“as long as”在英语合同中非常罕见。

示例:in The event that The contract price or any other terms of The contract changes after The issuance of The letter of credit(or letter of guaract)


示例:in case part of or all know-how of the above-mentioned technical contents have been published by party b or third parties a obtains eview Publication


示例:15% of the above contract price,e . g . us $ 21000 shall be paid by party a to party b by m/T within 30 days after party a has receiver


not withstanding The completion of The sale and purchase of The _ _ ordinary shares in The company,The terms and conditions of this agrees


in all cases where licensee desires artwork involving articles which are The subject of this license to be executed,The cost of such artwork and the


if and whenever the attorney at law designated by party b comes to work with party a,party a shall offer all sufficient and necessary facilitiesarrange the said legal counsel with an office,appoint a company officer to assist legal counsel with his function,provide relevant informs



in no case 和 in no event 表示“决不”即无论怎样都不行。

例如: Vessel over 20 years of age shall in no event be acceptable to the Buyer.

船龄超过 20年的买方概不接受。

In the case of 就什么来说,关于,in any case 无论如何

例如: In the case of dangerous and/or poisonous cargo (es), the Seller is obliged to take care to ensure that the nature and the generally adopted symbol shall be marked conspicuously on each package.



Sth. is (shall remain) the property of sb., the title of sth. shall be vested in sb.

英语合同表示“某物所有权属于某人”时,常用到这两个句型。如果用 the ownership of sth. belongs to sb.,或者 sb owns/possesses sth.就不够正式,而且 possess 只指目前属于某人,并不能说明获得的来源,而 own 只表示“对什么的合法占有” 。

如:Any drawings or technical documents interested for use in the Construction of the Plant or of part thereof and submitted to the Seller by the Buyer prior or subsequent to formation of the Contract remain the exclusive property of the Buyer.


又如:Licensee hereby agrees that at the termination or expiration of this agreement Licensee will be deemed to have assigned, transferred and conveyed to Licensor any rights, equities, good will, titles or other rights in and to the Name which may have been obtained by Licensee or which may have vested in Licensee in pursuance of any endeavors covered hereby, and that Licensee will execute any instruments requested by Licensor to accomplish or confirm the foregoing.



It is + p. p(past participle 过去分词)+ that clause


It is agreed that clause

如:It is mutually agreed that the certificate of quality and quantity of weight issued by the manufacturer shall be part of the document for payment with the adopted Letter of Credit. 双方同意制造厂出具的质量、数量或重量检验证明书作为有关信用证项下付款的单据之一。

It is expressly agreed that Lessee will not, without obtaining prior written permission of Lessor, assert on its behalf, or on behalf of Lessor, any immunity from taxation based on the tax-exempt status, if any, of the Lessor.

双方明确同意承租人未经出租人事先书面同意,不得自行或代表出租人基于出租人的免税身份主张免税。 (如果出租人有该身份)

It is understood that the Seller shall not be liable for any discrepancy of the goods shipped due to causes for which the Insurance Company, Shipping Company, other transportation organizations and/or Post Office are liable.


It is stressed that clause

再如:It is essentially stressed that the Buyers are requested to sign and return the duplicate of this Contract within 3 days from the date of receipt. In the event of failure to do this, the Sellers reserve the right to cancel the Contract.



Saving Clause

在英文合同中Saving Clause (除外条款, 但书条款) 通常有Save that句型和Save as句型, 表示 “什么例外” 。

例如:The provisions of Paragraph 6 and Paragraph 12 of the US Plan apply mutatis mutandis to the UK Scheme, save that if an amendment is made to the UK Scheme or to the terms of an Approved Stock Option at a time when the UK Scheme is approved by the Inland Revenue under Schedule 9, the approval will not thereafter have effect unless the Inland Revenue have approved the alteration or addition.

应用于英方方案的美方规划的第 6 节和第 12 节的规定的已作必要的修正,除非对英方方案或已批准股票期权条款的修改时值根据附件 9 英方方案已获批准,此后该批准不得生效,除非内税局已批准该改变或增补。

再如:Save as expressly provided herein, this Agreement may be amended or terminated, and any of the terms hereof waived, only by a document in writing specifically referring to this Agreement and executed by the parties hereto or, in the case of a waiver, by the party waiving compliance.


此外,也常见用 Proviso 表示限制条款或但书。

例如:5.6 Legal Proceedings; Injunctions. (a) The Seller, the Buyer and the Company shall use commercially reasonable efforts (subject to the proviso in Section 5.6(b)) to cooperate with each other in connection with any claim, action, suit, proceeding, inquiry or investigation with any other person which relates to the execution and delivery of this Agreement or the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereunder.

法律诉讼;禁止令(! )卖方、买方和本公司应竭尽全力(除本条第二款的但书规定外)互相配合处理涉及本合同履行与交付及本合同项下预期交易完成的与他方有关的索赔、诉讼、案件、诉讼程序、质询或调查。

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