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时间:2022-12-07 14:12:49 阅读: 评论: 作者:佚名





Ink painting plays an important role in the history of Chinese painting.

Use Chinese special painting tools, ink and paper.

Created by the artist's ingenuity.

An incomparably poetic and unique form of painting art.

《盐马古道》,40cm x 40cm

Qian Ming Jun

钱 明 钧

经典汇 CLATIA 签约艺术家


1989-1993 毕业于南京艺术学院美术系中国画专业获学士学位

1999-2002 毕业于中央美术学院版画系第五工作室获硕士学位

2002-至今 执教于北京电影学院动画学院


Qian MingJun

Professor, Illustrator

Born in Jiangsu province china in April 1971.

1989-1993Graduated from the Nanjing University of the Arts, Department of fine arts with a bachelor's degree in Chinese painting.

1999-2002 Graduated from the Central Academy of Fine Arts, fifth studio of the print- making department with a master's degree in Fine Arts.

2002 up to now Teaching in Animation School of Beijing Film Academy.

Association Member:

In 1997, joined the Publishers Association Of China, member of binding and layout

Arts Research Society (membership certificates).

In 2018, joined the US National Watercolor Society member(electronic membership certificate network screenshot).


In December 2004, the treatise, "The Illustration Art", won the silver prize of The sixth national book binding and layout Design exhibition, and was awarded by the Press and Publication Administration of the People's Republic of China and the Chinese Artists Association(certificates, trophies).

In December 2004. the illustration, "Legend of Eileen Chang", won Outstanding works prize of The sixth national book binding and layout Design exhibition and was awarded by the Press and Publication Administration of the People's Republic of China and the Chinese Artists Association(certificate of award).

Outstanding gardener Award(award certificate)of The second China Top 10 out- standing youth Artists Award in2013 years.

《民国遗韵》,40cm x 40cm


水 墨 诗 意 画

Ink Poetic Painting


《墨野仙踪》,60cm x 40cm

《松溪高隐》,60cm x 40cm

《荷塘月色》,60cm x 40cm

《大江东去》,60cm x 40cm

《江上清风》,60cm x 40cm

《风雪夜归》,60cm x 40cm

《花枝俏》,60cm x 40cm

《携琴访友》,60cm x 40cm

《鸡鸣山下》,60cm x 40cm

《秋江泛舟》,60cm x 40cm

《山中对弈》,60cm x 40cm

《夜泊秦淮》,60cm x 40cm

《山中论道尽禅机》,60cm x 40cm


水 墨 圣 经

Ink Bible




《风平浪静》,30cm x 23cm

《十字架》,30cm x 23cm

《大战恶龙》,30cm x 23cm

《逃往埃及》,30cm x 23cm

《上帝造物》,30cm x 23cm

《耶稣受难1》,30cm x 23cm

《耶稣受难2》,30cm x 23cm

《耶稣受难3》,30cm x 23cm

《耶稣受难4》,30cm x 23cm

《耶稣受难5》,30cm x 23cm

《雅各出逃》,30cm x 23cm

《耶稣祈祷》,30cm x 23cm

《耶稣受洗》,30cm x 23cm

《耶稣下葬》,30cm x 23cm

《犹大》,30cm x 23cm

《大力士参孙1》,30cm x 23cm

《大力士参孙2》,30cm x 23cm

《扫罗扫主》,30cm x 23cm

《晚餐》,30cm x 23cm

《授人以鱼》,30cm x 23cm

《歌利亚之死》,30cm x 23cm

《最后的晚餐》,30cm x 23cm

《夜刺》,30cm x 23cm


水 墨 山 水

Ink Landscape















速 写 作 品

Sketch works












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