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时间:2023-03-08 05:24:50 阅读: 评论: 作者:佚名

01,现在的我,什么都没有。Now I have nothing。

02,我准备放弃你,但你又对我笑了。I'm going to give up on you,but you laugh at me again .

03、如果我们见面,肯定一眼就能认出彼此。If we meet,we will recognize each other at a glance。

04,心,心,无论何时都无法停止的隐隐的痛苦。Heart、heart、always can not stop the hidden pain。

05,有时候我也能知道什么事情越来越严重。Some times,I can understand what is more flexible。

06,阳光温暖,心疼。Sunshine is warm,and being heartache is also a kind of happiness。

07,你离开后,我的世界是空的。After you leave,my world is blank .

08,我知道毫无收获的局面,但还是要去一场。I came to a game,knowing that there was no result。

09、我向往自由的生活,但受制于现实。I yearn for a free life,but I am bound by reality。

10,直到那一朵,满腔的玫瑰花!To that one,full of sad Rose!

11,如果毁了一件事,就想办法把它做好。If you mess up a thing,you can find a way to do it well。

12.人生就像TM的悲剧,导演是自己。Life is like a tragedy of TM、but the director is himself。

13、不幸的是,充满了年轻、温柔、吴列侬温柔的语言,大家都很失望。Unfortunately,young,full of tenderness,Wu Nong soft language,all is a failure。

14、并没有放弃你的想法,只是对你失望。Never thought of giving up you,just disappointed with you。

15.看到你们俩幸福地牵手的情景,我还是会流泪。istill cry when I see you two happy hand in hand。

16、如果生活背叛了我,我想论近媒。If life betrays me、I hope it is about jin。

17.如果是不花钱的饭,别忘了叫我。Just don't spend money on the dinner,remember to call me。

18、一个人,希望你来了。There is a man.you come,that's all right。

19、从爱情开始,从理解结束。Start with love,end with understanding。

20、心态好就不累。If you have a good mentality,you will not be tired .

21,过去的岁月没有被推翻,以前的我们年少轻狂。the years of the past are not turning over,once we are young and crazy。

22、喝再多的水也无法填补你让我流下的眼泪。no more water can make up for the tears you let me flow away。

23.明明知道我不能离开你,却像开玩笑一样对待你。I know I can not leave you,but as a joke to treat。

不管你在乎什么,都会困扰你。What you care about will torture you。

25、我忘不了,它不能维持。I can't forget,it can't stay。

26,失去的挽留不会像以前一样快乐。If you lose it,you will not be as happy as before。

27、每个人都会有一两个让自己心碎的秘密。there will be one or two secrets that break their hearts。

28、站在世界的某个角落看日出和日落。stand in a corner of the world and watch the sunrise and sunset .

29,因为你,我知道成长,但你仍然是我的伤口。Because of you,I know how to grow,but you are still my injury。

30),蓦然回首,那个人灯火阑珊。Suddenly,the man was in the light .

31,痛苦可以改变一个人,经验可以创造一个人。Pain can change a person,experience can make a person。

32、我想去,但过不去。我想回去,但不能回去。I want to go、but I can 't goI want to go back,but I can't go back。

33、要理解今天,就要研究昨天。To understand today,we must study yesterday .

34),大家都说你要凄凉地生活,但实际上没有人理解你的感情很长。every one said you should be miserable,but no one knows your love。

35、整晚睡不着觉,更不敢做梦。Sleep all night,more missed dreams。

36,分手后才知道你已经印在心里了。I don ' t know you have it in your heart until you leave。

37、坚持住,还有下一个黑暗等着你。Hold on,there will be the next darkness waiting for you。

38、爱情以笑开始,以吻转浓,以眼泪结束。Love begins with laughter,kisses turn thick,and ends with tears。

39.如果没有第一次原谅,第二次背叛从哪里来。if there is no first time to forgive where to betray the second time。

40、向你倾诉的人现在让沉默痛苦。those who have spoken to you now are silent .


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