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时间:2023-03-04 10:50:55 阅读: 评论: 作者:佚名

悲伤的空间讲述逆风的方向,更适合飞行。sad space talks about the direction of head wind,which is more suitable for flying。

去还是不去,留下的只是躯壳,留下还是留下,我的心就在下一根。Go、or want to go、what remains is just a body、stay、or want to stay和my heart will take root in the second time .

你幼稚无知,无知,一直在你身边的人就是你人生的贵人。The person who is always with you is The noble person in your life when you are naive and ignoras

事实上,人生的真相往往隐藏在追求和拥有之下,是寄托人,安定人心。In fact,the truth of life,often hidden under the pursuit and possession,is something that makes people have sustenance and settle dows

做了一件好事,完成了贡献的工作后的满足感让人觉得很自然。the satisfaction of doing a good thing and completing a contributing job will make people enjoy it naturally。

走自己的路,听自己的歌,写自己的故事。Go your own way,listen to your own songs and write your own stories .

可能不可能,也可能不可能。一切都是未知的,一切都是虚幻的.我在期待什么?possibility implies impossibility,and impossibility is accompanied by possibility . everything is unknown,everything is illusore

你的笑容,一束紫色薰衣草很美。your smile is beautiful to the purple-blue lavender。

像月光一样憔悴苍白的老人晚上会去这个世界的另一边。The moonlight is so haggard,it seems that the elderly with pale hair will go to the other side of the world at night .

7月举起晚风、月亮秋千和诗人杯邀请明月。爱人牵着手,孤独只照亮影子,世界充满,快乐忧愁,各不相关。July evening wind,swing under the moon,poet till,raising my cup,I asked the bright moonLovers are holding hands,alone and alone,all over the world,happy and sad,all irrelevant .

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