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时间:2023-02-13 15:41:33 阅读: 评论: 作者:佚名

错过了,错过了爱情,错过了能守护的人,错过了刻骨铭心的感情。There is a feeling called miss,miss love,miss can be together,miss a section of unforgettable love。

我们之间的距离总是这样。看起来像触手可及,一把抓住才能知道幸福离得有多远。The distance between us is always like this . it seems that we can reach it . we only know how far happiness is when we grasp it。

多少人晚上一个人躲在角落里偷偷抱着自己哭,第二天依旧笑嘻嘻。how many people often hide in a corner at night,secretly holding themselves crying,and then the next day is still giggling .

每个人都在寻找人生中正确的人,但没有人想成为正确的人。every one is looking for the right person in life,but no one tries to be the right one。

暧昧使人贪心,直到失去意义。ambiguity makes people greedy until waiting is meaningless

老地方仍然安全无恙。仍然有人像以前一样来回走动。the old place is still safe,and people are coming and going as before

分手的1分1秒让我意识到男人的心也是玻璃做的。想你的每一刻都要让我知道,我的心也需要爱的安慰。apart from a second to make me understand that men ' s heart is also made of glass;think of your every moment let meknow,my heart also needs the comfort of love。

我不知道我前世发生了什么事。那么在乎,来到现世伤透了我的心。I don ' t know what happened to you in my previous life。it hurt my heart to let you come to this world so painstakingly .

最好的婚姻不是你养家,不是我负责美丽,而是我们比肩,你好,我也不好。the best marriage is not that you are responsible for the family,I am responsible for the beauty of flowers,but we are evenly matched,you

见到你是无意的。认识你是天意,认为你是爱情,不看你的时候,看到你就齐心协力it's no intention to meet you,it ' s god ' s will to know you And love to think of you . when I don ' t seet

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