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这是《中国日报》不久前对永州的报道。我从没在英文报纸上看到过介绍永州的文章。而且我一直在构思用英语介绍领主的方法,所以很有趣。特别在网站上搜索了两篇文章原文。根据《China Daily》的英文原文,没有添加形容词,而是翻译了一段,添加了照片。





tourism booms as visitors flock to historic Yong Zhou


by yuan shengao | China daily | updated : 2018-05-10 07:21

clear sky reflects on the surface of river in xangling mountain,a scenic spot in Yongzhou。


local service industry flourishes as visitors pour in to explore great wealth of Hunan heritage and culture


booming tourism centered on traditional Hunan province heritage and culture has breathed new life into the historical city of Yongzhou au


Yongzhou,located in the south of Hunan province,has an enviable history that stretches back more than 2,100 years,And is reputed as one


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Because of its historical importance, Yongzhou is home to many important relics from ancient times, including the village of Shanggantang, the Lingling Zhou family courtyard and the Xintian Long family courtyard.






Popular historic sites in and around the city have led to a large increase in visitors in recent times. In 2017, more than 49 million people visited Yongzhou,generating tourism revenue of 40.67 billion yuan ($6.38 billion), an increase of 17.67 percent and 78.24 percent respectively on the previous year.


Ancient towns flourish


Attracting large numbers of visitors from both home and abroad is the village of Goulanyao in Jiangyong town, which is home to a vast number of ancient dwellings.


The biggest draw in Goulanyao is the Shuilong ancestral shrine, which is decorated with delicate and colorful frescos that are among the largest and oldest in southern China, according to Hu Binbin, a Chinese specialist in ancient towns from Central South University.


The village is popular with tourists because it takes them on a journey back in time to a period when pastoral living was the only way of life in a land surrounded by mountains and clear water, said Ouyang Mingjun, chief of Goulanyao.


He added that the stone slab road that passes through the village is the remains of the Xiaohe ancient road, one of the main travel routes that connected the central areas of China, such as Guangdong province and Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region, in ancient times.


The rise in tourism has brought with it more opportunities for local people to prosper in the service industry with many establishing homestays, restaurants and local specialty shops.


"A large number of tourists want to stay overnight in the village," Ouyang said. "We are going to build 17 wooden houses near the valley. So far, we have finished the construction of their foundations."


Investment in the local services industry has also led to the improvement in the livelihoods of many of the people living in these areas.


"We earned more than 10,000 yuan last year by selling our local snack Suozibaba cake, and we hope this year the business will be even better," said TianDuohua, a Goulanyao local.


Creative projects


ZhouDunyi, a famous philosopher during the Northern Song Dynasty (960-1127), was born in Daoxian county in Yongzhou. His masterpiece, Ode to the Lotus Flower,is still well known today.


Taking advantage of Daoxian county\'s strong association with lotus flowers, LianxiJinfeng Agriculture Group is building what it calls its "lotus town"project.


General manager of the company, Peng Weicheng, a Daoxian county local, said he looks forward to turning the iconic lotus into a cultural heritage asset of the county.


Lianxi Jinfeng Agriculture Group has cooperated with the local government since 2015,and the "lotus town" is beginning to take shape.


"This year we introduced more than 300 lotus varieties to the town. The lotuses will bloom from May to December. In half a month\'s time, the town\'s ponds will be filled with lotus flowers," Peng said.


"More than 27 hectares of lotus have been planted throughout the land rented from local villagers, and I will continue to expand the planting scale in the following years. This place will gather the most complete lotus varieties around the world," he added.


It\'s not just locals that are benefitting from Yongzhou\'s tourism boom, more and more investors from across the country are taking an interest, according to city officials.


The investors are being attracted by the city\'s wealth in unspoiled natural landscapes as well as its heritage and culture, which is another factor in why so many people are choosing to visit Yongzhou.


The city\'s eight national-level forest parks, four national nature reserves and eight national-level wetland parks make it one of the most ecologically diversecities in southern China.


There are more than 3,000 species of wild animals and plants recorded in Yongzhou,which has a forest coverage of 64.7 percent - which is around 40 percentage points higher than the national average.


To exploit this natural advantage, city officials have said they are expanding the tourism industry across the board to include forest, culture, leisure,healthcare and even science tourism.


"All-for-one" tourism

Aiming to speed up the industrial transformation and upgrade in its tourism industry,Yongzhou recently released a guideline for "all-for-one" tourism.


The core value of all-for-one tourism is a partial shift from scenic spots tourism to cater to the region\'s growing demand for tourism products and services, said a local official.


To carry out the development plan, Yongzhou has created a route to better utilize tourism resources around its central town area, Lingling ancient town, Jiuyi Mountain, Xiaoshui River and its north, central and south regions.


Officials from the Yongzhou Tourism Foreign Affairs Bureau said that by 2020, the number of tourists arriving from home and abroad will exceed 50 million, and will generate more than 50 billion yuan in revenue.


Clockwise from top:


1. Party Secretary of Yongzhou Li Hui (center) visits Tongzi\'ao scenic spot in the city.


2.The Yao ethnic group in Jianghua county celebrate at a bonfire party.


3.Liuzi Temple in Lingling ancient town has become more and more popular among visitors.


4.Li Hui visits a noptoelectronics industrial park in Guide in the city. (这句英文有点问题,应该写成Li Hui visits a noptoelectronics industrial park with the accompany of the tourist guide)


5.The former home of ZhouDunyi, a philosopher in the Northern Song Dynasty (960-1127).


Photos Provided to China Daily(这句英文也有问题,应该写成photos provided by China Daily)


(China Daily 05/10/2018page15)



Favorable policies lure firms to settle down in well-connected city


By Li You | China Daily | Updated: 2018-05-10 07:21

Investment in Yongzhou is expected to make great strides in the years to come, thanks to a rollout of policies aimed at making it much easier for businesses to settle in the Hunan province city, according to local officials.


One such enterprise that has sought to take advantage of the favorable policies and investment environment is Guangzhou Jiuheng Group, which established a manufacturing base in Yongzhou\'s economic development zone in 2013.


The group,which specializes in producing customized barcodes, printing and packaging materials, was able to get itself up and running in just four months.


"The factory in Yongzhou started operation in April 2014, taking just 120 days before our first batch of products were ready," said Yin Jianping,vice-president of Jiuheng Group.


Jiuheng\'s speedy establishment came about due to the local government\'s focus on streamlining applications and procedures for business establishment and registration. However, the group\'s initial interest in Yongzhou stemmed from its location.


Situated in the south of Hunan bordering the southern bank of the Xiangjiang River,Yongzhou is nestled strategically between Guangdong province and Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region, providing it with excellent transport links.


The location and favorable policies for new businesses encouraged Jiuheng Group to increaseits investment in Yongzhou, Yin said.


Jiuheng Group is just one example of how the current economic climate in Yongzhou is focused on opening-up.


In recent years, the city has sought to expand its coastal industry as well as its transportation network domestically and overseas, but most important of all it has targeted fostering a good environment for starting businesses and attracting investment.


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One of the most significant factors that drive people to invest in Yongzhou is that there is no need to run all the administrative examinations and approval procedures in person, said Yu Gui, chairman of the Guide Group, a company that has invested in Yongzhou\'s optoelectronics industry.


The administrative department simply releases a list of required documents and guides investors to finish the procedures in time, Yu added.


Party Secretary of Yongzhou Li Hui said that Yongzhou is the only prefecture-level city in Hunan that has the strategic advantage of connecting Guangdong and Guangxi.

永州市委书记李晖说,永州是湖南省唯一 一个连接广东和广西的地级市,具有得天独厚的优势。

"We should not just construct good traffic facilities, but more importantly, we must work in an interactive way, sticking to the current situation in the economy.


"We should carry out the opening policy in every aspect of our work, using an open mind to treat all business people who invest in Yongzhou well," Li said.


Besides streamlining the administrative procedure, the city has also focused on international trade.


Relying on major projects initiated by the local government and companies, some of the economic development zones in Qiyang, Jianghua, Lengshuitan, Dong\'an, Ningyuan, Daoxian, Lanshan and Lingling have generated 10-billion-yuan industrial clusters.


In the past two years, a large number of industrial giants have established operations in Yongzhou, including telecommunications group Huawei and China State Construction Engineering Corp, both of which are listed as Fortune 500 companies.


Such big names have brought with them greater global trade. As of the end of 2017, there were 171 enterprises that operate import and export business in Yongzhou, an increase of 46 from the previous year.


In 2018, Yongzhou will continue to improve its investment environment through a series of promotion conferences such as the promotion week with Shanghai, the north Hunan promotion conference, growing a larger-scale industrial cluster and more incentive policies, according to the city government.


(China Daily 05/10/2018 page15)









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