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【iamnothappybecase】英语成语趣味故事(6)to eat humble pie《低三四次,吞声》

时间:2023-01-31 17:46:03 阅读: 评论: 作者:佚名

馅饼是“馅饼”。是带馅的零食。你一定吃过苹果派、柠檬派和肉馅饼。(*苹果派、柠檬派、柠檬派、柠檬派、柠檬派、柠檬派、柠檬派、柠檬派、柠檬派、柠檬派、柠檬派、柠檬派、柠檬派、柠檬派、柠檬派、柠檬派、柠檬派、柠檬派)那么humble pie是用什么做馅的呢?Humble是形容词,解释是“谦虚”,但事实上,这个成语的humble一词是umbles一词的讹误。Umbles指鹿的内脏,以前喜欢鹿肉,鹿肉被主人吃,鹿的心、肝等杂物做了馅饼供仆人吃。所以eat humble pie的意思是“低沉的三四个,吞咽的声音”。

he did not have a happy childhood because his mother died in child birth and his father remarried,and living with his step mother and her own childrried


he thought of quitting the team because he felt being slighted by the coach because of his comparably small build and some how had to eat humble pie。


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