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时间:2022-12-21 19:16:07 阅读: 评论: 作者:佚名


When I'm with you, I don't have to pretend to be gentle and sensible, and you also know my words. I believe that friendship side by side can last longer than love hand in hand.


The best friendship, each busy, caring for each other. We should stand side by side and become better people together.


I am in the same school as you, and the only way to miss you is to mention you to others.


Sisters are not just talking, they are good sisters who have slept in the same bed, wore the same clothes and drank the same glass of water, and won't be embarrassed without talking.


Call me when you miss me, send messages to me, and come to me. I am not gentle, but as long as you run to me, I will give you a big hug first.


Our boat will never capsize, because we drive a spaceship, and we must be the best adults side by side.


Happy things can be told to me, unhappy things can also be told to me, we need each other, so trouble each other, friends may have 10,000 meanings, but I hope it is companionship.


I only hope that we can keep in touch all the time. Even if we don't see each other often, even if we don't talk or chat or have no direct contact, I still think you are a very important person to me.


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