加拿大视频博主哈罗德·柯克·爱普斯蓝(Harold Kirk Apesland)断断续续在中国待了17年。因为父亲的一个问题,柯克决定开始在YouTube上记录自己的中国生活。
...the idea that I started these videos because my dad would always say, "What are you doing in China, boy? That's a Communist country."And I said, "Well, dad, it's not like that. It's sort of a nice place."And he couldn't understand, and I would tell him about China. And he just didn't understand. So I started making videos to show him my life in China...
And you get a lot of Westerners that have really never traveled to a place like China. They only hear what the Western media tells them. So they're ignorant to the ways of China where I've experienced it. So they're taking secondhand knowledge, whether it's good knowledge or bad knowledge, it's still secondhand.
If your news channel, if your politicians, if your leaders and all of the people that follow those leaders tell you bad things about China, after a generation or two, you're going to start believing it. And I think that's what you've got in the West: the media and the politicians areostracizingChina and making it look bad to the citizens of those countries. That's the reason why most people in the West look poorly on China.
TheUS, Canada,the UK, Australia, New Zealand have always been sort of at the top, the first world countries. They've been richer. They've had better lives. They consume more natural resources per person.
And now they're looking at China and saying, oh they're gonna surpass us here in alittle while. Economically they've already surpassed ininfrastructure. And it scares them because they're used to being No 1. And I don't think they can understand how to be number two.
It goes to the Chinese people are looking at having a better life ;sgoing to be better than today. All they want is a home to live in. They want food on thetable. They want good education for their children. They want prosperity for themselves, their families, their country. It's one of those things that they've been working really hard toget to. And I thinkthey're reaping the rewards of that right now.
“大家都想要更好的生活。也许差异之一是,中国人会比西方人更努力。” 柯克表示,他总能看到中国人努力奋斗,在他的视频中,这种奋斗变得更加具体可见。
I see that the government is building better roads. They've got better infrastructure. There's new know, the idea the high-speed trainsystems into the rural areas of China, it's sort of opening up those areas of China.
栏目主编:秦红 文字编辑:宋慧 题图来源:视频截图