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时间:2022-12-14 12:56:02 阅读: 评论: 作者:佚名




[Xiamen] Lai Shengchuan directed the play "Let Me Hold Your Hand ......

Time: 2022.04.15-04.16

Minnan Grand Theatre-Amphitheater

“我的创作受契诃夫和莎士比亚的影响最大,有时候我觉得我应该有个灵魂中的知音就是契诃夫。”——导演 赖声川


——编剧 卡罗·罗卡摩拉

"My creativity is most influenced by Chekhov and Shakespeare, and sometimes I think I should have a soulmate in my soul who is Chekhov." -- Director Lai Shengchuan

"You don't need to be Russian to understand their stories. Beyond borders, races and religions, their stories belong to all of humanity, to the whole world. You will rejoice with their joy and you will grieve with their sorrow."

--writer Carlo Rocamora



Chekhov and Oja's Love Letter

A unique literary love story


华人戏剧家赖声川曾谈及契诃夫对他30余年创作生涯的影响之深,不仅是“最喜欢的作家之一”,更是“灵魂中的知音”。可以说,赖声川是少数了解和懂得契诃夫的人,契诃夫剧作中展现的情节看似平凡, 实则回归了生活的本质,赖声川甚至称契诃夫所做的事情为“革命”。


Performance Introduction

Chinese dramatist Lai Shengchuan has spoken of the profound influence Chekhov has had on his creative career over the past 30 years, not only as "one of his favorite writers" but also as "a soulmate". It can be said that Lai is one of the few people who know and understand Chekhov, and that the seemingly mundane plots in Chekhov's plays are actually a return to the essence of life, and Lai even calls what Chekhov did "revolutionary.

After Lai's first translation and rehearsal of Chekhov's work The Seagull in 1990, Lai's second Chekhov-related work is Let Me Hold Your Hand ......, written by Dr. Carlo Rocamora, an American Chekhov researcher, which is based on more than 800 love letters exchanged between Chekhov and his wife Oja over six years. In 2014, Lai Shengchuan translated "Let Me Hold Your Hand ......" into Chinese and brought it to the stage. The production, featuring famous actors Huang Shengyi and Zhao Xiaosu, will meet the audience at the Upper Theatre in March-April 2022, after which it will also start its national tour.



Plot Summary

A male actor and a female actor discuss the letters of the great 19th century playwright Chekhov and his wife, actress Olga, in the rehearsal space, starting with the reading of "The Seagull" where they met. The two actors naturally became the people in the play: Chekhov and Oja, and began the story of their meeting and life together: the

One day in 1898, at a reading of The Seagull, Chekhov and Oja fell in love at first sight. Oja was one of the few people who could read the play "The Seagull" and thus became Chekhov's soulmate. Chekhov had to stay in the warmth of Yalta to recuperate from his illness and Oulya had to stay in Moscow for a long time because of her theater career, or go on tour. During the six-year period, they met, fell in love, met and separated, and their passionate love and selfless pursuit and dedication to the theater art were expressed in every sentence of the letters. The actress murmurs "Let me hold your hand ......" and "Let me hold your hand ......"

编剧⊙卡罗·罗卡摩拉(Carol Rocamora)




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  3. 「广州」粤剧《谯国夫人》2022.03.30 19:30 广州大剧院
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