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时间:2023-05-03 04:31:54 阅读: 评论: 作者:佚名







钱币正面珠圈内满汉文“光绪银元”,上环“东三省造”, 下环“库平一钱四分四厘”,字体俊秀,轮廓清晰;钱币背面,正中蟠龙图,蟠龙眼神灵异炯炯有神;

龙鳞雕刻细密有致,腾云驾雾,身姿遒劲有力;龙爪张扬,神武有力;龙身盘踞,尽展皇家威严大气。蟠龙上环“33th YEAR OF KUANG HSU”,下环“MANCHURIAN PROVINCES”。该钱币工艺极其精湛,雕工极其完美,浮雕感极其强烈的品种,镜面平整光滑,纹饰非常清晰。




Name: Northeast library Ping Kuang Hsu yuan money four four per cent

Material: Silver

Age: Qing Dynasty

Price: RMB:80 million

The domestic authoritative experts, this coin patina nature old-fashioned, historical levels of Heiqigu and carbohydrate oxidation nature, feeling good, use obvious signs, this version of the currently surviving less, the appreciation of space, with high value of collection.

1907 (Guangxu 33 years), the Qing government, Jilin Fengtian and Heilongjiang known collectively as the northeast. The Mukden and Jilin two provinces with mint, known as the mint. In Tianjin by the general Mint instead of casting a gold ingot made in china. Xuantong first year (1909) and the mint only cast a library level of four per cent silver money four. The casting is very thin and difficult to see. It belongs to one of the rare treasures.

Coin head bead ring full of Chinese "Guangxu silver", "northeast", under the ring ring "library Ping money four points four per cent", font handsome, clear outline; money back, Panlong Panlong median figure, bright eyes ";

Dragon carving is fine, clouds, powerful posture; Talon publicity, Shenwu powerful; Dragon entrenched, full royal majesty atmosphere. "33th YEAR OF KUANG long ring HSU, ring" MANCHURIAN PROVINCES "". The coin process is extremely exquisite carving, very perfect, very strong sense of relief variety, mirror smooth, decorative pattern is very clear.

The silver, silver in the Qing Dynasty in high popularity, mainly because of the dragon art elegant, of great momentum, clouds, exquisite, can be said to be a peak in the Qing Dynasty silver casting. Although the cast silver medals are not many, but the types of design is very rich, the other is not the comparisons of the silver casting. The dragon is a symbol of our Chinese nation. It is of great influence and profound meaning. It is closely related to politics, economy, culture and religion. Foreigners call China "the Oriental Dragon", and the Chinese people around the world call themselves "descendants of the Dragon"". The dragon is the art product Chinese unique, its shape from the beasts of the earth in the sky, birds and fish in the water the essence of it by the lion's nose and mouth, tiger cattle ear, fish eye, deer horn, horse's mane, snake body, carp scales. Eagle claw, goldfish tail. Therefore, the dragon does not exist in the biological world, but it is derived from the biological world and is a complex of many animals.

According to the online auction network in 2009 --2010 years Guangxu bullions series of online auction statistics, in 1 years, a total of 1266 pieces of gold in the auction auction, the total 354610 views, in the total number reached 122 people, the number of bids 4652 times, of which the highest price is in south of Yuan Baoyun library level seven money made two points, as follows the most concern for collectors: Beiyang Kuang Hsu Yuan made seven flat ingot base money Guangxu two points, Guangdong province built Guangxu gold -0010- lifelong fake a lose three, Yunnan made seven flat ingot in base money two, the Guangxu four flat ingot base money of four per cent. Among them, the competition is the most intense [Guangxu gold ingot, Yunnan made library seven, two cents] priced 450 thousand yuan Qipai, the fare increase of 20 yuan, after 96 bids, and finally to 2 million 380 thousand yuan price transaction!

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