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时间:2023-03-15 06:02:38 阅读: 评论: 作者:佚名



各高校的军训是不是都陆续进入尾声了呢?在大一新生们的schedule中,紧挨着军训的大概就是百团纳新了。不管是大二大三的社团学生会大佬们,还是刚进校的大一萌新们,认识新的面孔了解新的人可能都不是那么容易哒。今天想跟大家分享的是一些有趣的ice-breaker games. Hope these can be helpful in organizing your events:)

1、Human Bingo

这个游戏非常适合初次见面鼓励大家交流的场合。Each participant gets a bingo card. Instead of the bingo numbers, we insert an interesting personality or characteristic in each box. For example, ‘born in the same month’. Participants should walk around and talk with different people. That’s how communication starts and how participants find something in common with each other.问题或者性格喜好的描述是任意拟定的,也可以和活动的主题结合起来。

2、True or False

当活动的参加者们彼此熟悉起来了,True or False这个游戏就很推荐啦。Participants are asked to say three things about themselves, including two true and one false. Others would guess what the lie is. The final winner could get a prize.这个游戏是很好的互动,也加深了相互之间的了解。

3、A to Z Freeze

这个游戏呢有点像击鼓传花。Participants are asked to recite the alphabet together. Let them go on for a while until you say stop and ask them to share something that starts with the letter on which they stopped. 比如在‘g’这个字母大家停下来了,那么你就可以说“games to play with roommates”或者“girl that matches me”分享的主题可以任意拟定,比方说新学期所期待的事情啊,自己的性格特征啊等等。当每个人都分享完之后,就可以再一次从头开始啦。当然我们也可以把游戏本土化一下改成拼音。这个游戏会稍有一些小难度,但一定很能改善气氛,调动起大家的情绪来~

4、Purses, Pockets and Wallets

接下来介绍一个分组互动的破冰游戏~ 把大家分成4到5人一组之后,you call out a common object. The first team to find the called object wins a point for their team.如题所示,participants are only allowed to search through their purses, pockets and wallets to find it.或者呢也可以要求大家在钱包口袋里寻找an item for every letter of the alphabet. 在限定时间内,找到的东西最多的小组获胜。比如说,brush for B, coin for C.

As the name suggests, ice-breaker games break the ice, help participants relax and be prepared for what’s going on afterwards. Go check it out and see what’s your favorite.

Have a nice day guys~


美化编辑 | charlene

封面图片 | 小鱼

审核校对 | 张津

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