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时间:2023-02-22 19:41:22 阅读: 评论: 作者:佚名





Let's play Doctor / Let's play hospital. 我们来玩医生过家家吧。

Mom, I want to be the doctor. 妈妈,我来当医生

OK, I'll be the patient. 好,我来当病人。

I'm a nurse to help the doctor. 我是医生的护士。

How can I help you? / What's troubling you? 你哪里不舒服?

My head / stomach hurts. 我的头/肚子疼。

My ears / eyes / legs hurt. 我的耳朵/眼睛/腿疼 (可以多练习几种器官)

I have a fever and a stomachache. 我发烧了,同时胃疼。

Where exactly do you feel pain? 你到底哪里疼?

It itches because of my rash. 因为疹子所以很痒

I feel itchy. 我很痒

Open your mouth wide. Say "Ah". 张大你的嘴巴说“啊”

I'm going to take your temperature. 我来帮你量体温

You have a high fever. 你发高烧了。

Nurse, can you give me my stethoscope? 护士,你能把我的听诊器给我吗(模拟医生)

Take a deep breath in and out. 深呼吸,吸气吐气

We need to do surgery. 我们需要动手术

I'll write you a prescription. 我来给你开处方

I'm going to give you a shot. 我来帮你打针

Can you give me a shot that won't hurt? 你能让我打针不疼吗?

It will sting a little bit. 会有一点点刺疼的

Good job. 很好。

The next patient. Teddy Bear! Come in. 下一个病人,泰迪熊请进来

Doctor, my baby's really sick. 医生,我的宝宝很不舒服

Lie on the bed please. 请躺在床上

I'll put on some ointment. 我会涂点膏药

You need to stay in the hospital. 你需要住院

Nurse, can you take this patient to the treatment room? 护士,你能把这位患者带去诊疗室吗?

It hurts a lot, doesn't it? 很疼,不是吗?

Don't worry. You will be fine soon. 不要担心,你很快就会好的。

Go to the pharmacy now. 现在去药房吧

Was I a good doctor? 我是个好医生吗?

Did I do a good job? 我做得还好吗?



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