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时间:2023-05-26 作者:佚名

2018-12-14 15:15













Zhoushan is a popular tourist destination in Zhejiang Province with distinct scenery all year round. In spring, see the stunning peach blossoms on the Peach Blossom Island. In summer, relax on the beaches and have fun in the Zhoushan International Sand Sculpture Festival. When autumn comes, enjoy all kinds of delicious seafood. And in winter, immerse yourself in the magnificent coastal sunrises and sunsets. Visit Zhoushan anytime you like!


温州, 文化灿烂的东瓯名镇,是改革开放先行区、民营经济发祥地,也是全国著名侨乡。长期以来,善于捕捉商机的温州人顺应发展潮流,凭借着智行天下、敢为人先的精神自主创业,做强做大民营经济,使温州成为中国十大最具经济活力的城市之一,让温州人的足迹遍布于世界各地。温州人是走向全球的引领者,成为了世界华商的重要力量,目前有175万人在国内、68.8万人在国外创业发展,建立了268家全国各地温州商会和350多个海外侨团,构建起一张遍及全球的温商网络。近年来,38万温州人遍布“一带一路”沿线57个国家和地区经商创业,助推了当地发展,汇聚了合作信息,世界温州人为“一带一路”建设作出了独特贡献。

Wenzhou, one of the most vibrant and economically advanced cities in Zhejiang Province, is famous for its large population of business people who have left the region to build businesses all over the world. Currently, there are around 2,438,000 Wenzhou people running businesses around the world. These people, after long years of exploration and struggle, have established 268 regional associations and more than 350 overseas Chinese organizations, successfully creating a large global interpersonal network. The latest data shows there are 380,000 people from Wenzhou living in 57 countries involved in Belt & Road countries. They have strengthened the business and cultural exchange and interaction, promoting the mutually beneficial cooperation between Wenzhou and Belt & Road countries.



Located right next to Hangzhou’s West Lake, Songcheng is a park possessing elements of the vibrant culture of the Song Dynasty (960-1279). The park receives 10 million visitors each year. It is a tourist destination welcomed by people of all ages.


The park was created based on the scenery of a traditional Chinese painting—the painting of Qingming Riverside Scene in the Northern Song Dynasty (960-1127). A lot of compelling performances reflecting ancient customs or legends are staged in different areas of the park, among which the show based on the traditional ritual of son-in-law selection is the most popular one.


The cosplay performance “Back to Song Dynasty” offers a wide array of free ancient costumes. Visitors can dress up as ancient characters in the Song Dynasty and wonder around in the park, using the ancient currency “Jiaozi” to buy things and experiencing life just like it was at that time.


The highlight of the park is the Romantic Show of Songcheng. The show sets the world record for performing arts, with 18 performances staged in a single day, the most performances ever seen at a tourist attraction in one day.



Haining, most widely known for its natural wonder – Qiantiang tidal bore, is also a renowned hometown of colored lanterns. The ancient town of Xiashi has a time-honored tradition of colored lantern making which originated in the Tang Dynasty (874-879) and thrived during the Song Dynasty (920-1279).


With a history of more than 2,000 years, Xiashi colored lanterns, featuring the elaborate pinprick craft, integrates various art forms including calligraphy and painting.


Today, Xiashi colored lanterns are not only widely recognized in the region south of the Yangtze River, but also enjoy global fame.

五、仙居国家公园 云雾弥漫的水墨仙境



Situated in the hilly and plain areas spreading over Potan Township, Danzhu Township, Baita Town and Tianshi Town, Xianju National Park is 301.89 square kilometers by design and has peripheral protective area of 44.81 square kilometers, including the Xianju National Scenic Area, Xianju National Forest Park, Shenxianju National Geological Park of Xianju and Kuocang Mountain Provincial Nature Reserve. In line with different protective intensity and functionality, Xianju National Park is divided into several regions, namely strict protection region (25.18%), prioritized conservation region (54.91%), restricted use region (14.95%) and development region (4.96%).


Xianju National Park is superior in natural & ecological merits with forest coverage rate reaching 93.1%, giving rise to Class I National Air Quality Standard; monitoring results indicate its Class I water quality and minimal ambient noise.


Xianju National Park is rich in biodiversity with abundant forests vegetation mainly composed of warm coniferous forest, evergreen broadleaf forest, deciduous forest, deciduous broadleaved forest, mossy short sertraline, coniferous broadleaved forest, bamboo thickets and artificial vegetation, etc. Within the Park, there are altogether 1505 species of vascular plants, 672 genera and 165 families, out of which 1 is National First-Class Protected Plant, 13 National Second-Class Protected Plants and 5 rare plants. There are 322 species of vertebrates, 92 families, 34 orders, out of which 2 are National First-Class Protected Animals and 26 National Second-Class.


Xianju National Park is of great value to scientific research, thanks to well preserved species and eco-systems, mainly ascribed to geographical location (in hilly areas of eastern Zhejiang Province) and geological condition (in the active continental margin of the Eurasian plate in the Western Pacific, which is widely developed in Mesozoic volcanic structure and continental volcanic rock series). These unique features put Xianju in a position to brag as an important genetic bank in East China.


Xianju National Park possesses plentiful scenic resources, covering eight categories including land, water, biology, meteorology, historic relic, architecture, tourism related commodity and human activity; one of eight unexplained ancient scripts “Tadpole Character” is also found in this area.


Public awareness in ecological conservation has been improving since the pilot establishment of Xianju National Park. Participation in developing the contribution and sharing mechanism of the National Park has been increasing. And multi-channel and multimode support for the construction, conservation and management of the Park has become a common practice.


The story is continued.


Scan the QR code to follow the “40 YEARS ON: Sensing Beauty of Zhejiang” special report on the Zhejiang English website )!

Click on the picture to follow “40 YEARS ON: Sensing Beauty of Zhejiang” special report on ZTV-WORLD official wechat account.





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