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时间:2023-05-02 11:29:46 阅读: 评论: 作者:佚名

Hi 米粉们,欢迎来到Mia的英文课堂。


Let's get started.


英英释义:a very deep wide space or hole that seems to have no bottom.

示 例:

1. A rope led down into the dark abyss.一条绳子垂向黑暗的深渊。

2. The war between these two countries will only bring their people into abyss.两国之间的战争只会把两国人民带入深渊。

3. Ukraine is on the edge of the abyss of a total political wipeout. 乌国正处在政治覆灭的边缘。


常用词组 an abyss of ignorance/despair/lonliness 无知/绝望/孤独的深渊

示 例:The divorce has put her into a complete abyss of despair.离婚使她陷入了绝望的深渊。

【Let's Talk】

Have you ever been in a situatation of an abyss? Tell the story, I'd love[心] to hear from you.


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