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【微信名字男励志四个字英文】学习表达积极态度的习语Positive and motivational idioms

时间:2023-03-09 11:17:30 阅读: 评论: 作者:佚名

Hi and welcome back to Love English .


the last lesson of 2020 . and as I ' m sure many of us may feel a sense of relief that this year is coming to an end,We will be entering 2021。and what I want to help you do,Is To give you some language some motivational idiomatic expressions To help you in the new year,To help you look


language is not just about communication。


it can affect the way that you think the way that you perceive challenges and difficulties .


now there is no doubt that many of us for a lesser or greater extent will have faced difficulties、emotional、mental和financial this year


but let ' s go into 2021 with a positive attitude。


let ' s see that the glass is half full rather than half empty。


let ' s keep our chin up and make sure that we stay positive throughout the year。


because we can already see the light at the end of the tunnel。


so without further ado let ' s have a look at these 14 idiomatic expressions to stay motivated and positive in 2021。number one as I've alree,to refer to someone as being a person who sees the glass half full or half empty is essentially referring to whether somee


so I would say sabrah and I are both people that usually see the glass as half full。


We see the positive side in things,even those things that challenge us in life。


if some one sees the glass as half empty,they are pessimistic .


they always look to the negative and they can ' t see the positiv

e in many things.


First rule this year, let's make sure we are the person that sees the glass half full.


Look for the positive, the opportunities and the benefits that challenges bring us.


Number two I quite like this expression.


I think it's a nice gentle way to encourage someone to be more positive.


Don't be a negative nelly.

Don't be a negative nelly(不要消极)。

Don't be a negative nelly or you can say you're such a negative nelly.


Now you could use this expression with children with maybe teenagers, anyone really that you're trying to encourage in a gentle perhaps parental way to be more optimistic, to not be so down and pessimistic.


So don't be a negative nelly.


Don't be so negative and depressing really.


Now number three is idiomatic but yes slightly more slang, informal.


So be careful who you use this expression with.


My mother when I was growing up often use this expression with me and I might use it when I'm talking about myself, motivating myself.


Get your arse in gear.


Get your arse in gear.


I suppose you could also use "bottom" or "bum" but really we would say "arse".

我想你也可以用 bottom 或 bum,但实际上我们会说arse。

Get your arse in gear.


Now when we're talking about "in gear" we're obviously referring to a car, to how you drive a car, to going faster or slower.


And "get your arse in gear" is obviously saying, "Come on. Get motivated. You can do it. Be positive. Just get started. Go." Okay moving on expression number four, break a leg, break a leg.

get your arse in gear 显然是在说,“来吧。获得动力。可以的。积极一点。开始吧。去吧。"好了,继续第四个表达,break a leg(祝你好运)。

Now obviously we don't want to tell someone to literally break their leg.


But this is a kind of superstitious way of telling someone good luck, of saying good luck.


I believe it actually comes from the theater where actors rather than say good luck which they saw as being bad luck, would say break a leg.

我相信这句话实际上来自剧院,那里的演员不会说“祝你好运”,因为他们认为这是坏运气,而会说“break a leg”。

So a great expression to say to someone perhaps before they go for a job interview or anything where they're hoping for a little bit of luck.


Number five when someone is struggling, having a particularly difficult time in their lives whether that's a relationship, whether it's work or studies, you could say to them, "Hang in there. Hang in there", meaning persevere, stay motivated, be persistent, you can do this.

第五,当一个人在挣扎,在生活中遇到特别困难的时候,不管是情感关系,工作还是学习,你可以对他们说,“Hang in there(坚持住)”,意思是持之以恒,保持动力,持之以恒,你可以做到这一点。

So "hang in there", when you are really trying to encourage someone, motivate them and give them the support they may need during a difficult period.

所以 hang in there,当你真的想鼓励某人时,激励他们,给他们在困难时期可能需要的支持,你可以使用这个表达。

Yes, five exams are quite a lot. But hang in there. I know you can do it.


Now number six I think I already instinctively did this just a minute ago.


And this is fingers crossed, fingers crossed.

这是 fingers crossed(祈祷)。

So when we say fingers crossed, we'd often do the gesture, fingers crossed, essentially means that we are saying, you know, let's hope, wishing for the best you know I'm really praying, hoping that things will go well for you.

所以当我们说 fingers crossed 时,我们通常会做这个手势,十指交叉,意味着我们在说让我们希望,我真的在祈祷,希望你的事情顺利。

So the job interview went great, fingers crossed I get it.


I often say, a little bit strange, fingers, eyes and toes, so I'm not going to show you my toes now, crossed, just as a joke.

我经常说,这有点奇怪,fingers,eyes and toes crossed,所以我现在不打算给你看我的脚趾交叉,这只是一个幽默表达。

So it really is just being a little bit more emphatic in the meaning, fingers eyes, and toes crossed, bit crazy but generally speaking I am.


Fingers crossed, wishing you, hope good luck and good wishes.


Number seven, I think at the beginning of the lesson I mentioned this one, chin up.

第七,我想在这节课的开始,我提到了这个,chin up(振作起来)。

This is your chin, up is this direction.


Think about your physical appearance, your posture, your facial expressions when you feel sad, depressed, unmotivated, you tend to look down.


So when you say to somebody and it is usually to someone, "Come on. Chin up.", you're saying, "Be positive. Go for it. Be more motivated. You can do this." Yes, failing your exam was difficult. But chin up, you've got another chance at a retake.


You can tell someone keep your chin up.


Stay motivated. Stay positive.


Don't allow any bumps in the road, any difficulties to demotivate you.


Keep your chin up.


Number eight, look on the bright side, look on the bright side.

第八,look on the bright side(往好的方面想)。

This is when you are trying to find a positive in a negative.


When you're trying to help someone find something positive in a situation, that's particularly difficult.


So for example, if a friend has lost the job, you might say to them, "Well, look on the bright side. You weren't happy there anyway. This is just going to encourage you to find a new and better job. Look on the bright side." Number nine, very similar to "look on the bright side".


It can be a blessing in disguise or it's a blessing in disguise.


We're referring to a difficult situation, something bad that's happened that actually maybe if you think about it in a little bit more detail if you get some perspective, some distance from the situation, you can see that actually a lot of good is going to come from it.


Now arguably it's very hard to find what the blessing in disguise is over the past year with coronavirus and all the chaos that's gone on.


However, if we were trying to find the blessing in disguise, perhaps we could see pandemic has actually brought people together.


It's shown the kindness in humanity, it's made us reassess the way we live and really appreciate the small things, socializing, going for walks, going to work that we may not have really appreciated before all of this happened.


I would say that looking for a blessing in disguise in this situation is pretty difficult but it's possible.


But let's think of another example, perhaps we could say, "Well, okay, this year we haven't been able to socialize to spend Christmas with our families in the way that we normally would.


But perhaps it's been a blessing in disguise for some of us we may have enjoyed those quiet Christmas with our immediate family, not stressing about cooking big meals and looking after uncle frank when he's had too many drinks." So where is the blessing in disguise for you during this period?


Do let me know, comment below in the description box.


Number ten, every cloud has a silver lining, every cloud has a silver lining.

第十,every cloud has a silver lining(黑暗中总有一线光明)。

We've definitely referred to this idiom in previous lessons but it is such a great one and a very very positive one.


The cloud being the negative, sad, depressing situation and the silver lining referring to the sun beginning to appear from behind that cloud.


It suggests that every difficult time, every challenge we face comes to an end.


Things change they always do.


Yes, you may have found it very difficult this year.


But every cloud has a silver lining.


I'm sure you've also been able to spend time doing some of the things you love, maybe more time with your children at home or perhaps more time enjoying hobbies or even just binge-watching a bit of netflix.

我相信你也可以花时间做你喜欢做的事情,也许有更多的时间在家陪孩子,或者有更多的时间享受自己的爱好,甚至只是疯狂地看 netflix。

Every cloud has a silver lining.


Number eleven and twelve are great when you're trying to encourage someone and tell them that their possibilities are endless, that they can achieve and do anything.


The sky's the limit, the sky's the limit, meaning you are not limited by anything.

The sky's the limit(没有限制,一切都是可能的)意味着你不受任何东西的限制。

What do you want to study this year?


Do you think you can improve your English?


Well, the sky's the limit.


Basically, as much as you want to improve, you can improve.


And similarly, the world is your oyster.

同样,the world is your oyster(可以随心所欲)。

Once you have that additional language whether it's English, French, Spanish, German or in my case, Italian, yes I am studying Italian slowly but surely, then you have got the world at your feet.


Oh, that's an extra expression.


The world is your oyster, meaning you can do anything, go anywhere once you've achieved something perhaps.


The world is your oyster when you know English you can travel anywhere.


You'd often use this expression with someone that is younger than you.


You'd say to perhaps a graduate from a university, "The world is your oyster now. What are you going to do?" Now number thirteen and fourteen are idiomatic expressions you may even come across in the news at present.


There is light at the end of the tunnel or the end is in sight.


There's light at the end of the tunnel or the end is in sight.


Certainly, the new vaccines that have been developed however you may feel about them is suggesting that there is light at the end of the tunnel, that the end is in sight for many of us.


We are hoping that next year will mean fewer lockdowns, fewer restrictions, and hopefully, a little bit more socializing.


So the end is in sight there's light at the end of the tunnel.


We can see the end of this difficult period is coming.


We just have to be a little bit patient.


And there we have it guys.


Thank you so much for taking the time to watch our final lesson of 2020. And do comment below, share what has happened to you this year.


How are you staying positive and motivated?


Will some of these expressions help you and help you help others to stay motivated and positive?


Thank you so much for watching.


Thank you for all your support this year.


You'll be seeing much more of Sabrah next year as her baby is starting to behave a little bit more, to free up some time for mummy to film more videos.


And of course, we'll see you while pretty soon with a new video.


Thank you for watching. Bye.


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