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【蓝牙代码微信名字】使用HarmonyOS Sample的蓝牙传统蓝牙

时间:2023-03-07 09:52:31 阅读: 评论: 作者:佚名



安装DevEco Studio。有关详细信息,请参阅下载DevEco Studio。DevEco Studio开发环境设置,DevEco Studio开发环境取决于网络环境。为了正常使用工具,必须连接到网络。开发环境可以在以下两种情况下配置:

如果可以直接访问internet,只需下载HarmonyOS SDK即可。如果网络不能直接访问internet,而可以通过代理服务器访问,请参阅配置开发环境。下载源代码后,使用DevEco Studio打开项目时,模拟器将启动。实际机器操作需要自行修改con的buddleName。如果未在AGC中配置,请参阅使用模拟器调试。










/* *


* initializes the bluetooth host on device。

* @ param event listener interface to update the bluwettoth events


Public void initialize蓝牙(bluetootheventlistener事件侦听器){

bluetootheventlistener=event listener;

Bt host=Blue(mainSliceContext);

标志(tag、' initialize bluetooth、bthost 3360 ' bthost);

} B .打开/关闭蓝牙/获取蓝牙状态enableBt/disableBt/getBtState

/* *




* Enables the Bluetooth on device。


Public void enableBluetooth() {

Logu ('enablebluetooth '' getbtstate 3360 ' b());


If (b()==STATE_OFF ||


b() ==STATE_BLE_ON) { LogU("enableBluetooth", "enableBt:"+b()); //开启蓝牙 b(); } //事件通知蓝牙状态发生改变 blue(b()); } /** * 关闭蓝牙 * Disables the Bluetooth on device. */ public void disableBluetooth() { if (b() == STATE_ON || b() == STATE_TURNING_ON) { b(); } blue(b()); } /** * 获取蓝牙状态 * Obtains the status of the Bluetooth on device. * @return status of Bluetooth on device */ public int getBluetoothStatus() { LogU("getBluetoothStatus", "getBluetoothStatus:"+b()); //获取蓝牙状态 return b(); }



/** * 开始蓝牙发现 * Scans the currently available bluetooth devices */ public void startBtDiscovery() { if (!b()) { //开始发现设备,大约需要12.8s b(); } } /** *判断是否有权限 */ private boolean hasPermission() { return mainSliceCon) == IBundleManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED; } /** * 启动蓝牙扫描 * Scans the currently available bluetooth devices */ public void startBtScan() { LogU("startBtScan", "getBtState:"+b()); int btStatus = b(); if (btStatus == STATE_ON) { if (hasPermission()) { startBtDiscovery(); } else { requestPermission(); } } }


/** * 启动与给定地址的蓝牙设备配对。 * initiate pairing with bluetooth device of given address. * @param pairAddress address of the bluetooth device */ public void startPair(String pairAddress) { Optional<BluetoothRemoteDevice> optBluetoothDevice = getSelectedDevice(pairAddress); o(BluetoothRemoteDevice::startPair); } /** * 获取要配对的设备 * @param pairAddress * @return */ private Optional<BluetoothRemoteDevice> getSelectedDevice(String pairAddress) { if (pairAddress != null && !()) { for (BluetoothRemoteDevice device : availableDevices) { if ().equals(pairAddress)) { return O(device); } } } return O(); } /** * 获取已配对的蓝牙设备列表 * Obtains the paired Bluetooth device list. * @return paired Bluetooth devices */ public List<BluetoothDevice> getPairedDevices() { () Set<BluetoothRemoteDevice> pairedDevices = new HashSet<>()); return getBluetoothDevices(pairedDevices); }

e.蓝牙事件的订阅/取消 及 相关事件的处理


/** * 订阅蓝牙事件 * Subscribe for Events of Bluetooth using CommonEvents */ public void subscribeBluetoothEvents() { MatchingSkills matchingSkills = new MatchingSkills(); //表示蓝牙状态改变时上报的事件。 ma); //指示蓝牙扫描开始时报告的事件。 ma); //指示蓝牙扫描完成时报告的事件。 ma); //表示发现远程蓝牙设备时上报的事件。 ma); //远程蓝牙设备配对时上报的事件。 ma); //用于创建 CommonEventSubscriber 实例并传递 subscribeInfo 参数的构造函数。 CommonEventSubscribeInfo subscribeInfo = new CommonEventSubscribeInfo(matchingSkills); //订阅者 commonEventSubscriber = new CommonEventSubscriber(subscribeInfo) { @Override public void onReceiveEvent(CommonEventData commonEventData) { Intent intent = commonEven(); handleIntent(intent); } }; try { //完成订阅 CommonEven(commonEventSubscriber); } catch (RemoteException e) { LogU(TAG, "RemoteException while subscribe bluetooth events."); } } /** * 取消订阅蓝牙事件 * UnSubscribe for Bluetooth Events */ public void unSubscribeBluetoothEvents() { if (commonEventSubscriber != null) { try { CommonEven(commonEventSubscriber); } catch (RemoteException e) { LogU(TAG, "RemoteException while unsubscribing bluetooth events."); } commonEventSubscriber = null; } } private void handleIntent(Intent intent) { if (intent == null) { return; } String action = in(); switch (action) { //状态更新 case Blue: handleHostStateUpdate(); break; //扫描开始 case Blue: handleDeviceDiscoveryState(true); break; //表示发现远程蓝牙设备时上报的事件。 case Blue: handleBluetoothDeviceDiscovered(intent); break; // 扫描完成 case Blue: handleDeviceDiscoveryState(false); break; //表示远程蓝牙设备配对时上报的事件。 case Blue: handleDevicePairState(intent); break; default: LogU(TAG, "Action not handled : " + action); } } private void handleDevicePairState(Intent intent) { BluetoothRemoteDevice btRemoteDevice = in); if () == Blue) { //更新2个设备列表 updateAvailableDeviceList(btRemoteDevice); updatePairedDeviceList(); } } private void handleDeviceDiscoveryState(boolean isStarted) { //处理扫描状态变化事件通知 blue(isStarted); } /** * 处理蓝牙状态变化通知 */ private void handleHostStateUpdate() { int status = getBluetoothStatus(); blue(status); } /** * 处理蓝牙发现事件 * @param intent */ private void handleBluetoothDeviceDiscovered(Intent intent) { BluetoothRemoteDevice btRemoteDevice = in); //未配对的设备 if () != Blue) { //发现后添加到可用的蓝牙设备 availableDevices.add(btRemoteDevice); } blue(getAvailableDevices()); } /** * 更新可用设备列表 * @param remoteDevice */ private void updateAvailableDeviceList(BluetoothRemoteDevice remoteDevice) { //移除以配对的蓝牙 availableDevices.removeIf(device -> device.getDeviceAddr().equal())); blue(getAvailableDevices()); } private void updatePairedDeviceList() { //刷新已配对的蓝牙列表 blue(getPairedDevices()); } public List<BluetoothDevice> getAvailableDevices() { return getBluetoothDevices(availableDevices); } /** * 获取已配对的蓝牙设备列表 * Obtains the paired Bluetooth device list. * @return paired Bluetooth devices */ public List<BluetoothDevice> getPairedDevices() { () Set<BluetoothRemoteDevice> pairedDevices = new HashSet<>()); return getBluetoothDevices(pairedDevices); } private List<BluetoothDevice> getBluetoothDevices(Set<BluetoothRemoteDevice> remoteDeviceList) { List<BluetoothDevice> btDevicesList = new ArrayList<>(); if (remoteDeviceList != null) { // btDevicesList = remo().map(BluetoothDevice::new).collec()); } return btDevicesList; }

4.2.3 Blue 自定义的蓝牙事件监听器接口

public interface BluetoothEventListener { void updateAvailableDevices(List<BluetoothDevice> bluetoothDevice); void updatePairedDevices(List<BluetoothDevice> bluetoothDevice); void notifyBluetoothStatusChanged(int bluetoothStatus); void notifyDiscoveryState(boolean isStarted); }

4.2.4 Blue 蓝牙设备列表提供程序


public class BluetoothItemProvider extends BaseItemProvider { private final AbilityContext context; private List<BluetoothDevice> bluetoothDeviceList; public BluetoothItemProvider(AbilityContext context, List<BluetoothDevice> itemList) { = context; bluetoothDeviceList = itemList; } @Override public int getCount() { return blue(); } @Override public Object getItem(int position) { return blue(position); } @Override public long getItemId(int position) { return position; } @Override public Component getComponent(int position, Component component, ComponentContainer componentContainer) { return getRootComponent(position); } private Component getRootComponent(int position) { //List item 布局组件 Component rootComponent = Layou(context) .parse, null, false); Text deviceName = (Text) roo); //蓝牙设备名称 BluetoothDevice bluetoothDevice = blue(position); deviceName.setTex()); //设置点击监听事件,开始配对 roo(component -> { LogU("BluetoothItemProvider", "startPair:" + blue()); //表示对端设备未配对。 if () == Blue) { //启动与给定地址的蓝牙设备配对。 Blue(context).startPair(blue()); } }); return rootComponent; } /** * 更新蓝牙设备列表 * updates available Bluetooth devices in UI * * @param devices list of Bluetooth devices */ public void updateDeviceList(List<BluetoothDevice> devices) { bluetoothDeviceList = devices; notifyDataChanged(); } }

4.2.5 MainAbili 主能力页面操作

a.首先是实现了几个相关的接口 Com 用于实现按钮的点击事件 BluetoothEventListener 用于实现蓝牙事件通知的处理 CheckedStateChangedListener 用于实现switch开关的处理

public class MainAbilitySlice extends AbilitySlice implements Com, BluetoothEventListener, Ab {




/** * 初始化蓝牙插件 */ private void initializeBluetoothHost() { // Blue(this).initializeBluetooth(this); } private void initComponents() { //'开始发现' 按钮,用来搜索附件的蓝牙设备 Button btnStartDiscovery = (Button) findComponentById); //因为implements Com 所以可以这样写 b(this); initListContainer(); //蓝牙状态文本组件 textBluetoothStatus = (Text) findComponentById); //蓝牙开关组件 bluetoothSwitch = (Switch) findComponentById); //设置状态监听事件 blue(this); //根据系统蓝牙状态设置开关 updateBluetoothStatus(Blue(this).getBluetoothStatus()); //附件的蓝牙设备容器列表 containerLists = (DirectionalLayout) findComponentById); //根据蓝牙状态控制是否显示附件的蓝牙设备容器列表 con(isBluetoothEnabled() ? Com : Com); //环形进度条组件 progressBar = (ProgressBar) findComponentById); } /** * 订阅蓝牙事件 */ private void subscribeBluetoothEvents() { // Blue(this).subscribeBluetoothEvents(); } /** * 初始化容器列表 */ private void initListContainer() { ListContainer availableDevicesContainer = (ListContainer) findComponentById); //1.获取可用的蓝牙设备 availableDevicesItemProvider = new BluetoothItemProvider(this, Blue(this).getAvailableDevices()); //设置提供程序 availableDevice(availableDevicesItemProvider); //2.获取已配对的蓝牙设备 ListContainer pairedDevicesContainer = (ListContainer) findComponentById); pairedDevicesItemProvider = new BluetoothItemProvider(this, Blue(this).getPairedDevices()); //设置提供程序 pairedDevice(pairedDevicesItemProvider); } /** * 更新蓝牙状态开关和文本 * @param bluetoothStatus */ private void updateBluetoothStatus(int bluetoothStatus) { LogU("MainAbilitySlice", "updateBluetoothStatus:" + bluetoothStatus); //开关 blue(isBluetoothEnabled()); //状态文本 (getBluetoothStatusString(bluetoothStatus)); } /** * 显示环形进度条 * 用定时器实现了一个进度条,遗憾的是有一定的卡顿 * @param isShow */ private void showProgressBar(boolean isShow) { LogU("MainAbilitySlice", "isShow:" + isShow); LogU("MainAbilitySlice", "timer=" + timer); if(isShow){ //显示进度条 (Com); if(timer==null){ timer = new Timer(); } if(timerTask==null){ timerTask= new TimerTask() { @Override public void run() { if(percent==10){ percent=1; (0); }else{ percent++; } LogU("MainAbilitySlice", "percent:" + percent); getContext().getUITaskDispatcher().asyncDispatch(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { (percent*10); } }); } }; // (timerTask, 0, 1000); } }else { //隐藏进度条 (0); (Com); if(timer!=null){ LogU("MainAbilitySlice", "timer set null"); (); (); timer=null; timerTask=null; } } } /** * 获取蓝牙状态 * @return */ private boolean isBluetoothEnabled() { int status = Blue(this).getBluetoothStatus(); LogU("isBluetoothEnabled", "isBluetoothEnabled:"+status); return status == Blue; } private String getBluetoothStatusString(int bluetoothStatus) { LogU("bluetoothStatus", "bluetoothStatus:"+bluetoothStatus); switch (bluetoothStatus) { case Blue: case Blue: //disabled 不可用 return Con; case Blue: //turning on 开启 return Con; case Blue: //enabled 可用的 return Con; case Blue: //turning off 关闭 return Con; default: //undefined 未定义 return Con; } }


@Override public void updateAvailableDevices(List<BluetoothDevice> list) { //implements BluetoothEventListener //更新容器数据 availableDevice(list); } @Override public void updatePairedDevices(List<BluetoothDevice> list) { //implements BluetoothEventListener //更新容器数据 pairedDevice(list); } @Override public void notifyBluetoothStatusChanged(int bluetoothStatus) { LogU("notifyBluetoothStatusChanged", "bluetoothStatus:"+bluetoothStatus); //蓝牙状态改变事件通知 updateBluetoothStatus(bluetoothStatus); } @Override public void notifyDiscoveryState(boolean isStarted) { //蓝牙发现状态的事件通知 showProgressBar(isStarted); }


@Override public void onCheckedChanged(AbsButton absButton, boolean isChecked) { //开关状态改变事件触发 if () == Re && containerLists != null) { if (isChecked) { LogU("onCheckedChanged", "enableBluetooth"); //开启蓝牙 Blue(this).enableBluetooth(); con(Com); } else { //关闭蓝牙 Blue(this).disableBluetooth(); con(Com); } } }


@Override public void onClick(Component component) { LogU("MainAbilitySlice", "startBtScan..."); //开始发现 扫描蓝牙设备 if () == Re) { LogU("MainAbilitySlice", "startBtScan..."); Blue(this).startBtScan(); } }



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