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时间:2023-02-13 06:21:20 阅读: 评论: 作者:佚名


1) mature成熟和理解事理的前缀不定式immature不成熟和幼稚

China ' s education by studying abroad has a history of 25 years,during which it has undergone the process of being small to large,Disorderly中国留学教育经历了25年不平凡的历程,从小到大,从无序到秩序,经历了一个不成熟的过程。

2) qualify资格获得前缀否定disqualify取消资格

How long does it take to qualify?获得资格需要多长时间?

Cheats will be disqualified。伪造者将被取消资格。


Basically,a vast information war ' for ' and ' against ' China is now waged in the world。基本上,世界正在进行“支持”和“支持”

he says the u . s . has been abusing the platform of the un and its security Council to spread ' political virus ' and dis information and

4) practicable可执行,可以使用的前缀不定式impracticable不可执行,不行

there was no practicable way to involve all of us,all the time。没有让我们所有人参与的实用方法。

such measures would be highly im practicable and almost impossible to apply。这种措施很不现实,几乎不可能付诸实施。


there are reasons and the first reason is security,insecurity,unemployment,corruption and so on,' he explained。有很多原因,他解释道。

6) changeable变量,不能改变不变的否定前缀unchangeable

She has a changeable character。她性格多变。

The doctrine is unchangeable。这个信条不能改变。

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