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【适合微信名字的英文诗歌】9 Common Phrases from Shakespeare9莎士比亚的九句名言中的日常用语

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9 Common Phrases from Shakespeare





此次音频:9 common phrases from Shakespeare-莎士比亚9句名言中的日常用语

shakes peare is known as the foremost dramatist of his time . in his poems and plays,Shakespeare invented thousands of words现在,让我们来看看这些诗意的句子,看看如何使用它们。

1/refuse to budge an inch-寸步不让

Meaning: -含义

Refusing to move at all -完全拒绝让步

For example : -例如

I sat in the chair and refused to budge an inch until they gave me my money back-我坐在椅子上,直到把钱还回来才动。

2/a dish fit for the gods -高品质菜肴,美味

Meaning: -含义

Fantastic or amazing food -真是美味的食物

For example : -例如

I ate this delicious vegetarian dish at the new restaurant . it was a dish fit for the gods-我在那家新开的餐厅吃了这种美味的蔬菜。这道菜简直是上帝的笔。

3/a sorry sight-令人遗憾的情况

Meaning: -含义

In an very sad and bad situation处于非常悲伤和糟糕的状况中

For example : -例如

That poor man,he is a sorry那个可怜的人,他的处境真的很困难。

4/there's method to my madness-看起来很疯狂,但背后有原因

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You maybe behaving in a very strange way, but there’s a good reason for it.---也许你的行为很奇怪,但这是有原因的。

For example:---举例说明

A: What are you doing putting all the books on the floor?---你把书都放在地上干嘛?

B: There's method to my madness, I'm taking a photo of the books I'm putting away. The photos will help me locate the books more ea这看似疯狂,其实我是想把要整理收纳起来的书都拍下照片,这些照片可以帮我更快的找到它们。

5/ Break the ice---打破僵局


Getting to know people and stop the embarrassment---了解别人从而打破尴尬的局面

For example:---举例说明

She told a joke in order to break the ice.---为了打破僵局,她讲了个笑话。

6/ Heart of gold---心地善良的人


Very kind person---非常善良的人

For example:---举例说明

A: Who helped you clean up after the big party?---party后是谁帮你打扫的?

B: Bob did. And he drove 2 other guests ,然后他还开车送其他两位客人回家。

A: Wow, that was really nice. Bob definitely has a heart of gold.---哇,真是太好了。bob确实是个心地善良的人。

7/ It’s all Greek to me---不明白,不懂,一窍不通


Don’t understand something---不明白一些事

For example:---举例说明

My son is studying physics but it's all Greek to me.---我儿子正在学习物理,但我对此却一窍不通。

8/ Seen better days---有过好日子


Showing signs of exhaustion---显出疲惫的迹象

For example:---举例说明

This chair has seen better days.---这把椅子也曾光鲜亮丽过。

9/ Star-crossed lovers---苦命鸳鸯


Very unlucky couple---非常不幸的情侣

For example:---举例说明

A pair of star-crossed lovers took their lives.---一对不幸的恋人结束了他们的生命。

Well, you just got a small taste of Shakespeare. Now that you know how to use these poetic phrases in our daily life. Enjoy your conversation with the phrases from Shakespeare!---好啦,你只是稍微领略了一下莎士比亚的风采。现在你知道如何在日常生活中使用这些诗意的短语了。享受你用莎士比亚短语进行的对话吧!

本期音频:9 Common Phrases from Shakespeare---9个莎士比亚名言中的日常用语




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