- Tomorrow comes never. 切莫依赖明天。
- Tomorrow is another day. 明天有明天的事。
- Too many cooks spoil the broth. 人多嘴杂。厨师多少坏汤?
- Too much humility is pride. 过分谦虚即骄傲。
- Too much knowledge makes the head bald. 知识多,老得快。
- Too much liberty spoils all. 太多的自由破坏了一切。
- Too much spoils, too little is nothing. 过多反坏事,太少不及时。
- Too much water drowned the miller. 过犹不及。
- Too swift arrives as tardy as too slow. 欲速则不达。
- To pay a person in his own way. 以其人之道还治其人之身。
- To preserve a friend three things are required: to honour him present, praise him absent, and assist him in his necessities. 维持友谊需要三点∶当面尊重他,背后赞扬他,需要时帮助他。