the correct advice-for breathing-is :
1)maintain a continuous flow of air into and out of your lungs。
2) begin exhaling,in an unforced way,assoon as you finish inhaling。(this can be from both mouth and nose)。)the rate of exhha
3)then exhale forcefully just as your mouth reaches the surface。
Balance,relaxation,alignment and streamling are the focal points I would recommend to any one aiming to complete their first continuous
Any more than a fraction of an inch wastesenergy (the arm weighs 10x as much when lifted from the water, than it weighsIN the water) and contributes to downward pressure on other body parts.
For recreational swimmers i.e. not opympians,the most important thing is to keep their body balanced (prevent the legs fromsinking). TI head coach Terry Laughlin found up years ago that if you sliceyour hand deep, your legs won't sink (head position is also crucial). We teachplacing the hand deeper to eliminate drag and enable the swimmers to swimthrough the smallest possible hole.
If the amount of time people are spendingthinking about what happens under the body were instead devoted to balance,active streamlining, WIDE TRACKS in the spearing...I think people woudl bemaking much faster progress.
---- coach suzane
wide tracks" is meant only to therecovery and entry phase, NOT the stroke phase.
I'd also suggest there are two differentlearning processes we should employ in a complementary manner
Technical - Based on specific and detailedaspects of skill or mechanics. You do this with drills or focal points.
Art - Based on striving for grace, beauty,harmony and flow. You do this with visualization and tuning into sensations youget from the water, that tell you whether you're working WITH or AGAINST.
the "pull" is nothing withoutbody rotation。
-Suzanne Atkinson, MD
Anchor, then rotate is always my mantra
-Suzanne Atkinson, MD
It's true that shoulder rotation alone willprovide much of the drag-avoidance we look for. But without hip rotation too,there will be a degree of tension and torque in the midsection that, over time,will tire a swimmer more quickly.
-Terry Laughlin
Head Coach & Chief Executive Optimist
Hip rotation also is critical as the'engine' for the 2BK, which in turn gives back power to the stroke.
-Terry Laughlin
a hip-driven stroke is unquestionably the mosteconomical and sustainable way to swim any middle or long distance, anadvantage that becomes even more significant in open water
-Terry Laughlin
I personally observed Popov practicing fora total of 5 to 6 hours in 1998 while he was in the US for the Goodwill Games.He swam perhaps 18,000m during that time. Every stroke I saw him take -- atpractice, not racing, conditions - was impeccably front-quadrant - as we usedto say at the time. He began every stroke with a profoundly patient - as we saynow - lead hand.
-Terry Laughlin
There's a kind of bias that 2-beat kicksproduce less speed than 6-beats, because people think the propulsion iscontinuous with a 6-beat vs intermittent in the 2-beat. This is only true ifyou're swimming 100 meters or less. For any greater distance, the 2-beat ismore efficacious.
-Terry Laughlin
ONe of hte things the speed suits did washelp the swimmers maintain posture, in spite of fatigue...drag reduction, notfrom friction, but from form.
Now that the speed suits are no longerallowed, top level swim coaches have been focusing much, much more on corestrength and maintaining firm body posture at the end of a race...not onpulling harder.
-Suzanne Atkinson, MD