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关于日报感恩的句子英语版我想说【双语听读】"I will never forget you!" 一封来自隔离病房的感谢信

时间:2023-01-31 13:41:17 阅读: 评论: 作者:佚名

697 th Article 697号双语推文

nb : this may not be a word-for-word transcript .

I never forget you.you are very special staff . I have never seen this staff . I pray for you,always happy!On August 17th,A confirmed co vid-19 patient from Pakistan was recovering after one-week treatment at the fifth infection ward of the zhenge


In the letter, this international patient wrote:

I never forget you! I am very thankful and grateful, my all hospital staff, doctors, nurses, ward sisters who care to me. Very intelligent, very loving, very hard working, very caring, very obedient, very nice staff. If I have any mistake, please forgive me. To me, you are very special staff. I have never seen this staff. I pray for you, always happy!

This short note fully demonstrates his recognition of the medical staff.

在信中,这位国际友人写道:“我永远不会忘记你们!对于所有医生、护士、所有照顾我的姐妹们,我非常感谢和感恩!你们非常辛苦、努力、有智慧、忠诚、照顾人,非常可爱!如果我有一些错误的地方请原谅我。你们非常特别,我从来没有见到过像你们一样特别的人!我祈祷你们永远开心!” 简短的话语,却饱含着对医护人员满满的肯定。

This Pakistani traveler arrived at Xinzheng International Airport by plane on August 10th, local time. On arrival, he was diagnosed with COVID-19 following a preliminary epidemiological screening, which was then confirmed by a positive nucleic acid test result. In line with medical isolation regulations, he was transported to the Zhengzhou First People's Hospital South Zone for treatment.


When being admitted to the hospital, the patient suffered physical discomfort from a dry cough and runny nose. On top of this, he was alone in a foreign country and unable to communicate well with others due to the language barrier, leaving him extremely nervous and depressed. He wanted to call his family, but his mobile phone could not place international calls for some reason. Seeing this, a nurse immediately brought him the isolation ward's dedicated mobile phone. Soon after, the call got connected, and the patient eventually relaxed after hearing the familiar voices of his family.


During the medical treatment, doctors and nurses in the isolation ward took turns to take care of this special patient. They tried hard to talk with him in English, but found that the patient spoke English with neither a British nor an American accent, so they had to resort to gestures and texts to learn his needs. The department was also very concerned about this special patient, and doctors took extra time to comfort him during their daily ward rounds.


Under the meticulous care of medical staff, the patient gradually adapted to the environment and smiled more than before. What surprised this foreign friend more was that during this treatment, he personally experienced the marvelous effects of traditional Chinese medicine, one of the quintessence of Chinese culture. According to Doctor Han Senning from the Infectious Disease Department of the Zhengzhou First People's Hospital South Zone, they gave the patient the traditional Chinese medical therapy in accordance with the eighth edition of the COVID-19 diagnosis and treatment plan. The patient orally took the Chinese herbal decoction every day after he was admitted to the hospital. In terms of symptoms, the patient's condition was improving.


In just one week, this Pakistani patient was deeply impressed by the doctors' superb medical skills and nurses' considerate care, so he wrote a thank-you note, conveying his sincere thanks in words.


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