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【给英语老师感恩的句子】英语阅读 Social and emotional learning for kids

时间:2023-01-29 19:43:35 阅读: 评论: 作者:佚名

I used to be a bit cynical about social and emotional learning programs,Or sel as they are known in educational circles . my 9-year-old



cynical:英 [ˈsɪnɪkl] 美 [ˈsɪnɪkl]


empathy:英 [ˈempəθi] 美 [ˈempəθi]


recess:英 [ˈriːses , rɪˈses] 美 [ˈriːses , rɪˈses]


But when my son switched schools last year, I saw how effective SEL can be. Like most kids, he entered the 2021-22 school year socially and emotionally bruised by the pandemic. His ability to trust educators, the academic process and his peers, and to motivate himself and take responsibility for his actions, had all been wounded. The new school anticipated these would be issues for many and spent the first two months working on social and emotional skills. Unlike the previous school that focused on learning how to regulate behavior, his new school's SEL curriculum put relationships at the center and wove these lessons into everything they did. Individual pursuits such as self-control and resilience were present but always part of a larger aim to improve personal and communal connections.


bruised:英 [bruːzd] 美 [bruːzd]


wounded:英 [ˈwuːndɪd] 美 [ˈwuːndɪd]


resilience:英 [rɪˈzɪliəns] 美 [rɪˈzɪliəns]


It worked. "We feel like we got our son back," my husband would tell people when they asked how he was doing. I felt the same. His ability to focus on academic work returned, as did his willingness to hug relatives. More than two years into the pandemic many students feel mentally and academically exhausted. Still, the pandemic has left its mark on both my older son and my younger one, a rising kindergartner, neither of whom are as sure-footed as they likely would have been should Covid-19 never have happened.


You may see this in your children, too. Experts note that many children, in addition to being behind academically, have also experienced what might be thought of as a social and emotional learning loss. Emerging research suggests the same. For some, it means clinical anxiety and depression. For most, it means small to medium setbacks in kids' ability to do things such as taking on new responsibilities, trying new things or making friends.


emerging:英 [iˈmɜːdʒɪŋ] 美 [iˈmɜːrdʒɪŋ] 新兴;新兴的;涌现

clinical :英 [ˈklɪnɪkl] 美 [ˈklɪnɪkl]






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