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【工作的帮助的感恩句子英文】「稻盛和夫哲学」提升心性:No. 6 Be Thankful 常怀感恩之心

时间:2023-01-29 01:23:20 阅读: 评论: 作者:佚名

Without harmony among employees,a company can ' t manufacture products that make

Customers happy,because products reflect the spirit of their makers . if employees have self-serving attitudes,there can be no ho



It is thanks to the assistance of the people around us, our colleagues and our families, as

well as our customers, that we are what we are today and can work freely. We should

never forget others' help.


Keeping this in mind, we must always be thankful to the people around us, trust in them,

and work in partnership with them.


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