Life is like a winding path surrounded by flowers, butterflies, and delicious fruit, but many of us spend much time looking for happiness around the next corner. We do not bend to enjoy the happiness which is ours for the taking just at our feet.
In our desire to reach the “pot of gold,” the complete and lasting happiness we all want to fill our lives, we ignore anything which doesn't seem worthy of such a large ambition, or which can't give us the whole thing all at once.
Happiness is all around us, but it often comes in small grains. When we gather it grain by grain, we soon have a basketful.
What small pieces of my happiness surround me right now?
从整个第一段的两个原句看,它们的意思关联紧密,可以采取合句的方式,翻译成一句话。短语around the next corner指“未来”。for the taking just at our feet的意思是“就在我们脚下”,但它实际指的是“就在眼前”,因此,翻译时可以不采用字面直译方式。动词bend可以省译。
翻译时要正确理解第二段的句中的pot of gold和the complete and lasting happiness的同位语关系。
原句中的grain by grain是“一粒一粒地”的意思。幸福是不能用汉语的“颗粒”来表示的,grain在这里指的是“小,微小”,因此翻译成“一点一点”就行。根据这个句子的语境,我们用“一点一点”来形容“幸福”,那么我们收获更多的“幸福”时,也就不把basket直译出来了,而是用一个模糊量词“大量、很多”,译成“大量的幸福”,这样就与前半句表达更加一致了。